With the craze of the new Pokemon Go app still abounding, I thought it might be fun to make a Poke Ball ornament to decorate your tree or give as a gift to the Pokemon lover in your life. This project is really easy and can make a lot all at once.Supplies:White solid Christmas Ornaments Red paint Cardboard or newspaper for drying Black Vinyl (or paint if you have a steady hand) White sticker paper (or paint) ScissorsDirections:Remove top of ornament … [Read more...]
Fingerprint Frankenstein Halloween Craft
This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I will receive a small commission if you purchase through those links.I LOVE crafts that only take a few minutes to complete. Easy crafts that my kids can do in a few minutes are even better. This darling Fingerprint Frankenstein Halloween Craft is fun because not only is it quick but when your kids make it, it'll be a cute keepsake of their little fingerprints. Supplies needed:Green craft paint or stamp pad White card stock or craft … [Read more...]
Craft Stick Octopus Craft
My kids spend all summer crafting so once school starts and they can't craft as often, they go through withdrawals. I was trying to think of something simple and cute that all of them could make (including the 4 year old without a lot of help) and thought of this darling Craft Stick Octopus Craft.This doesn't require too many items to make and you might have most of them at home already. SuppliesCraft sticks Paint Sequence Fleece sheet Googly eyes Glue Scissors … [Read more...]
Starburst Valentine’s Day Card
It's time to start thinking about what Valentines your child wants to take to school. This is a really fun and easy Valentine that your child can give to all their friends. Once you have the card printed your kids can help cut, glue on the stars and tape on the candy.Step 1 - Print out the shooting star shapes and starsStep 2 - Cut out shooting star shapes and the stars. I have included a printable for the shooting star shape and the stars. For those of you with a silhouette cutting … [Read more...]
DIY Glitter Bulb Ornaments
This post contains affiliate links. Should you purchase through the link (at no extra cost) I will receive a small commission. 'Tis the season for some fun ornament crafting. Once you finish the Santa Belly Ornament, you can start on this darling Glitter Blub Ornament. This one is very easy so perfect for kids to make their own. Just beware of glitter getting everywhere!To get started, here are the supplies you need.Supplies-Empty plastic light bulb ornaments Extra fine … [Read more...]
Emoji Bookmarks Craft
Emojis have been a pretty popular thing for a while now, but with the Emoji Movie their popularity is skyrocketing. My kids are obsessed, so I thought it would be fun to make several emoji crafts. These Emoji Bookmarks are super fun and easy to make. Littler kids might need help cutting, but if you have older kids around, they can help out.Supplies needed:craft felt in assorted colors wood craft sticks craft glue scissorsDirections: 1. Begin by creating the faces of your emojis. … [Read more...]
3 Star String Art Tutorial
I love getting ready for patriotic holidays and making cute decorations for my home. Here is an intermediate tutorial for a 3 Star String Art decoration. Hang it outside on your porch or lean it indoors on your fireplace mantel. Where ever you put it, it'll be an impressive piece of decor.Materials: Embroidery Floss--1 each of red, white and blueNails with nail head. --I'm using wire nails I picked up at Wal-Mart. A 2 oz package of 3/4" nails. Tack Hammer or Regular HammerWood … [Read more...]
Easy Clothes Pin Halloween Wreath
As I was searching pinterest looking for a cute but easy Halloween wreath I found this darling wreath at The Thrifty Things. Get ready for an easy Halloween craft! If your door is naked, then it is time to make this easy wreath! You only need a few items:Medium Wire Wreath Clothes Pins (About 70 per wreath) Black Spray Paint White Spray Paint 'BOO' Letters Ribbon Sparkly Spiders Hot Glue First clip the clothes pin onto the wire wreath. The … [Read more...]
Paper Bag Summer Scrapbook
This post contains affiliate links. Those hot and oh so enjoyable days of summer are bearing down on us. There are 2 things that we usually want for our kids, especially in summer, to give them fun experiences and that they remember them long after school is back in session. A simple Paper Bag Summer Scrapbook covers both of those. It is inexpensive, gives them a place to record their favorite memories of the summer, and of course easy and fun to make! If you have a particularly busy summer or … [Read more...]
May the Fourth be with You printable card
The beginning of the year is great because it is loaded with some really fun holidays like New Years, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day and Easter. Then there is a little bit of a dead period. May is approaching which bring us some lesser known or celebrated holidays like May Day, Cinco de Mayo - ok so this one probably is very highly celebrated, and Star Wars Day - May the 'Fourth' be with you. Here is a fun printable card complete with light saber (glow stick) to help you celebrate this one … [Read more...]
Lunch Box Pumpkin Surprise
I love putting fun things in my kid’s lunchboxes. I try to be a fun mom like that. Whether it be notes or special treats, I like to let them know that they are extra special to their momma. Holidays provide so many opportunities to do this. It’s fun to have a specific theme in mind. Today I have a little tutorial for you. The Lunch Box Pumpkin Surprise! I love these pumpkins because I don’t have to go out and buy special treats or candy to make a cute holiday treat. I can use whatever I … [Read more...]
Emoji Puppet Craft
Get your smile on (or sunglasses, or kissy face, or winky face, or whatever emoji you are feeling) with this darling emoji puppet craft. This craft is fun because your kids can really express their creativity (and emotions) and it can be completely personalized. This is also a great craft because it uses cheap supplies and only a few steps. This is a perfect toddler craft if the face pieces are pre-cut. Here we go!Supplies:Yellow paper plates Felt of different colors (coordinating … [Read more...]
DIY Travel Entertainment Pack for Kids
Summer is here and it might mean you have a vacation or two in the near future. We have several fun trips planned for this summer so I've been thinking of ways to entertain my kids while on airplanes and in cars. Having various forms of entertainment is key, which is why I have come up with this fun travel entertainment pack for kids. By gathering a few things around your house, take a quick trip to the store and printing these DIY lacing cards, you will be all set with some fun … [Read more...]
No Sew Flag Onesie
For this cute project I decided to combine a pinterest inspiration with the desire to send my newest niece a present and BAM, out came the No Sew Flag Onesie (of course you can adapt this into a shirt). What you need:Onesie (or shirt) Red rick rack Blue and white polka dot ribbon Fabric GlueDirections:Since you may be using a different size onesie or shirt than I did, the best advice is to eye-ball how big you want the flag. Cut two shorter length of rick rack and 3 … [Read more...]
DIY Container Catch Game
I'm currently in the thick of planning a white elephant gift exchange party for some friends. While I'm planning food, activities, seating, the guest list and everything else that I need to think of for the adults, I'm also trying to think of activities for the kids. While the plan is for this to be an adult only party, I do realize some of my friends will be bringing their children (and hey, I have four kids that will be here too) so I'm making a list of activities for them to do as well (in … [Read more...]