Get your smile on (or sunglasses, or kissy face, or winky face, or whatever emoji you are feeling) with this darling emoji puppet craft. This craft is fun because your kids can really express their creativity (and emotions) and it can be completely personalized. This is also a great craft because it uses cheap supplies and only a few steps. This is a perfect toddler craft if the face pieces are pre-cut. Here we go!
- Yellow paper plates
- Felt of different colors (coordinating with the faces you want to make)
- large craft sticks
- glue

- Cut out all the different face features you want in the corresponding color. Example: red lips, black sunglasses, green dollar sign eyes, winks, eye lashes, blue tears, red heart eyes, etc. Get crazy with all your emoji features.
- Glue the desired face features on the front of one yellow paper plate. Make all your faces at once so they can be drying together.
- Glue or tape craft stick on the back.
- Put on a puppet show for your friends and family!!
If you are having a hard time figuring out what emoji you want to make, browse your phone or computer for ideas. Also, make a ton to represent how you are feeling on a day to day basis. I know some parents who use emojis to help their kids talk about their feelings. These would be a great way to get involved with you kids and discuss their lives and how things are going. Crafting together makes awesome parent/child bonding opportunities.
If you love doing crafts and need more ideas I have some great tutorials for you. I have fun options for Emoji crafts and craft stick crafts.
Emoji Crafts
Craft Stick Crafts
Shakeia Rieux says
Those are cute. I would love to make these with my niece’s, I know they will have fun with this. Thank you for sharing this!
Helen says
These are so cute. I know my little girl would have fun making these and playing with them.
Peggy Nunn says
These are so cute. They can be adapted for any special occasion. Thank you for the idea.
Angela Saver says
This is such a cute craft idea to do with the kiddos, and who doesn’t love emojis! Thanks for the great project!
Casey Garvey says
My daughter is 6 and LOVES the emojies! She is going to be thrilled!
Harry Rosen says
☛Love your Sunglasses.I recently bought and love it!
I have 3 sunglasses. ☘One black pair, one pink aviator pair, and a running pair ☺
Victoria Lavin says
This is a cool craft that’s fairly simple for kids of all ages to make and I love that it doesn’t require a lot of materials too.
Cynthia R says
What a fun idea especially how into emojis kids are these days and they can make whatever face they are in the mood for.
Enza Ketcham says
Totally adorbs!
Katie Miller says
Aw so cute. I’m always looking for crafts when it’s too windy to go play outside with my daughter.
Kristi Friesen says
These would be a lot of fun! I know the kids would love to make all the different faces.
Jessica says
I’d love to do this with my boys, Stefani! I’m sure they’ll love them. Emojis are so cute. I hope I can find those yellow paper plates.
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Shirley O says
What a fun craft! These would be great to make with my granddaughter on a rainy afternoon.