Did you know that you can do more than just color with crayons? When using crayons in the traditional way you really can’t get too fancy- ok well at least I can’t. Yet when you change the consistency of crayons it's almost like a whole new medium to play, explore and create with. I have created two different art projects - fingerprint art with crayons and painting with crayons.What you need:Crayons- you want to make sure they are pretty good quality-I used Crayola- this will make your … [Read more...]
Painting with Crayons
Ok are you ready for another crayon project? I know you have crayons lying around in desperate need of a new assignment so let’s get it done!! Today’s project is “painting with melted crayons.” I love, love, love this method. Have you ever thought you could paint with crayons? Check it out.What you need:Crayons- High quality- like Crayola brandStove top or candle warmerPaper towelsPainting SurfaceStep 1- Peel and melt your crayons one color at a time wither on your … [Read more...]
3 Generation LEGOLAND Boston Review Part 2
Yesterday we did the first half of this awesome review! Check it out here! Don't forget the giveaway that ends today!! Here is the second half where the mom and grandma talk about their 5 favorites from LEGOLAND Discovery Center Boston. 5 Things their mom liked about Lego Discovery Center (It was hard to choose just 5)1. I loved the little details Lego Discovery put in the decor. For example they had clear posts filled with loose legos in the line barriers. My … [Read more...]
Legoland Boston 5 Thing we like from 3 Generations!
Lets see what three generations are saying about their recent visit to Boston's very own LEGOLAND Discovery Center!5 Things 5 year old Lily liked about Lego Discovery Center1. I liked the play house2. I liked the lasers3. Merlin's Ride4. Kingdom Quest5. Climbing structure5 things 6 year old Matthew liked about Lego Discovery Center1. Kingdom Quest ride2. Lego Boston and the building with the boats3. Making a car and racing it4. Play Structure5. … [Read more...]
Lego Ninjago Training Camp Review and Giveaway
We had the pleasure of heading back to Legoland Discovery Center in Boston. My children of course were beyond thrilled to be coming back. When I told them that we were going to see something new they were even more excited. The excitement continued as I mentioned The Lego Ninjago Training Camp! They were so excited to practice their ninja skills!When we arrived at the Lego Ninago Training Camp we waited our turn to head in to the lasers. There was a long laser maze where you challenged … [Read more...]
10 Places to Go over February Break in Massachusetts!
Lets be honest- we all wish we were headed south for the rest of this winter. With 60+ inches of snow in the Boston area and more to come we are ready for a break- or to at least see grass again! So now that your kids have already been home for the majority of the week and are going to be off for yet another week- What can you do to get out and have some fun? Here are 10 of our favorite places to go, relax and have some fun! Click on the Name to read a review of this … [Read more...]
Review: Coco Key North Shore Boston
Ahhh after all this snow we have been getting in the Boston area, it was so wonderful to be able to spend the evening at Coco Key Water Park in Danvers, Ma. I suggest that if you have cabin fever (which I can't imagine you wouldn't) then you head to Coco Key Water Park. It is so much fun and there is so much to do and enjoy! From the moment we stepped through the doors my kids wanted to throw themselves in the water. They couldn't believe how warm it was (despite the snowfall outside). … [Read more...]
Review: New Bedford Whaling Museum
My 4 year old hasn't stopped telling people that he visited a whaling museum. He loved it! Since he was so thrilled I thought I would write this review from his eyes. So here it is: The 5 coolest things I saw at the New Bedford Whaling Museum- A 4 year old review (with a little help)! 1. Whale Skeletons- He kept telling the story of a mother whale who was pregnant washing ashore and inside her belly was her baby whale. The kids were able to stand on either side of a large room … [Read more...]
Create Hands On – North Dartmouth, MA
Our family made a wonderful stop in North Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Our purpose: to visit Create Hands On. I was intrigued by the unique idea behind create hands on. I knew it would be a place that my children would love but I also thought a lot about the ability Create Hands On would have in providing a more social outing for families. Instead of just seeing a movie together with limited communication families could create things together and talk about what they were doing or just talk about … [Read more...]
New Year- New Meal Planning Printable!
Lets be honest- we all need a little help planning out meals and making sure we get everything we need when we go to the store. Well here it is! Your printable weekly meal plan with a cut off grocery list (nicely organized- I need that!) included! Start the year off right with a little more organization and a lot less stress! I can help you get started with your meal plan with my new meal planning series!Suggestions- Print one and laminate it- then its reusable! Maybe you take the whole … [Read more...]
Nutella Filled Christmas Cookie Pops! Yum!
Ok, I am so excited to share this post (but I am also kindof drooling as I do). These cookies were amazing! I don't mean to toot my own horn but yes I came up with these on my own! Sometimes I take risks and they work out really well and other times not so much. This time- HOME RUN! At least in my eyes. They looked cute but seriously if I don't make another batch in the next 24 hours...I just might ...lose it! So here is what I did. I found my favorite cookie base which comes … [Read more...]
Two-buck Christmas Decor!
I love crafts! I always try to use thing I have around the house to create something new to add to my holiday decor! I recently painted a table in my living room and I am trying to add accent colors around the room. As I was visiting the dollar tree I came across these lovely Christmas tree ornaments. I immediately had a plan for removing my not so favorite pieces and making it into something that would fit my style and room decor! This project is not only cheap but it is quick too! Two of … [Read more...]
Review:Legoland Discovery Center Boston
We prepped our children for what we called "THE BEST DAY EVER!" We didn't tell them where we were going or what we are doing but I will tell you this. It really was "THE BEST DAY EVER! in both their eyes and ours. Why you ask? because we spent over 5 amazing hours at Legoland Discovery Center Boston! Legoland Discovery Center Boston is located at the amazing Assembly Row in Somerville, MA. I don't even know where to start with the fun and excitement we enjoyed throughout the day. Our 4 … [Read more...]
Chalkboard Pumpkin Craft
I am always up for a fun project- especially one that is fun, simple and quick! I had one of these mini wooden crates lying around and thought I would make a little pumpkin/candy dish out of it. Heres what you need. A wooden crate- any size would do. In fact a large one could be made into a pumpkin with its bottom on the surface and using a side or both sides as the pumpkin. Since I had a small one I decided to use it on its side instead of its base. I have seen these for really cheap … [Read more...]
Whitaker Center – Harrisburg, PA
Having been a child (not long ago-ahem), a teacher and now a parent there are not many museums or interactive exhibit centers that blow me away. Often they seem to all have the same general features with a few unique things here and there. Don't get me wrong I love a good Children's or Science Museum but had I not been able to visit the Whitaker Center I would have missed out on a fantastic opportunity. So here they are- the things that the Whitaker Center had that I wish I had … [Read more...]