Never let someone else determine your stance on therapy. I want to tell you some reasons why therapy is a good thing. It’s amazing what the human body and mind can endure, but that doesn’t mean you can’t heal from what you’ve been through. Therapy is just simply the act of sitting down and talking to someone about what is happening or has happened in your life. I am going to share some reasons why therapy is a good thing. #1. Therapy Helps You Process Let’s be honest, one of the best things … [Read more...]
How to Get Marriage Counseling Online
In 2020, it’s truly amazing what is available online. Not only can you have all of your meetings online, but you can also schedule other important meetings online. For some people, when they get married, they may be required to do marriage counseling or they may choose to get marriage counseling. Did you know you can do this online? I’m going to walk you through how to get marriage counseling online. Here is how to get marriage counseling online. Decide on Marriage Counseling Together One … [Read more...]
7 Mistakes you need to avoid during pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful times in one's life. Right from the time when one finds out about the pregnancy till the time of the baby's arrival, the nine months are spent in anticipation and excitement. Whether it is your first one or third trimester, pregnancy should always be treated as a unique experience. There are many factors that should be given importance and many mistakes that must be avoided so both the baby and the mother's health can be protected. Too much … [Read more...]
Preparing for Your Upcoming Role as Caregiver
This post is sponsored by Depend, Poise, and Ensure but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.I was the super caboose of my family, joining almost 6 years after the next youngest child. Add to that I am the baby of 7 and that means I grew up with older parents. A typical conversation at a grocery store, restaurant or basically anywhere in public included an employee mentioning how nice it was that my grandma was buying me a treat, or taking me to dinner, or spending time with … [Read more...]
5 Things You Need To Know About Invisalign
Chances are, you've thought about trying Invisalign either for yourself or you've thought about it for your children. Invisalign is a set of clear aligners that straighten teeth with custom clear trays that are almost unnoticeable. Clear, durable plastic is custom molded into a set of nearly invisible aligner trays that snap into place, perfectly fitting over your teeth. They're a great option for teens and adults who want to transform their smiles without the noticeable metal wires in braces. … [Read more...]
Why Baby’s Gut Health Matters
This post is sponsored by Evivo but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.When a mother is pregnant with her baby, there are a lot of questions and concerns that go through her mind. With this last pregnancy of mine, I was always super concerned with our baby’s gut health. After all, the older I get and the more babies I have, the more educated I become about my baby’s health. When my youngest was born, we started her on Evivo, which is a clinically-proven probiotic for babies. … [Read more...]
Steps to Preparing for Birth
This post is sponsored by Cord Blood Registry, but the opinions expressed here are my own.Whether this is your first or fifth birth, there is always some slight sense of panic in preparing for birth. The truth is that not every birth goes the same way. You need to prepare in any way you can. Check out some of these steps to preparing for birth.Learn more about your family’s medical historyKnowing more about your family’s medical history can help you prepare for birth. When you … [Read more...]
The Importance of Cord Blood Banking
When I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, I couldn’t help but think about about her health. What would happen if something went wrong? Is there a way to protect her? That’s when I started researching cord blood banking. Have you ever heard of Cord Blood Banking? Maybe you have, maybe you haven’t. In case you’re researching what cord blood banking is, here is some information to help you out. The Value of Cord BloodAs you know, your … [Read more...]
Be the Fun Mom with help from Poise
When I had children I gained a lot in my life. I gained a family, incredible love I had never experienced before, new joys and frustrations, new messes, new bills, a whole world of newness. There are also things I lost such as sleep, my pre-baby figure and total control of my bladder. While most aspects of having a baby are so much fun to talk about, some are really embarrassing to talk about, such as light bladder leakage (LBL).My LBL didn't begin until baby number 3. That is when my body … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Help your Baby’s Brain Development
As a Mom I want to do whatever I can to help my children grow up healthy and happy. This doesn't magically just happen, you have to take purposeful steps to help your kids grow up healthy and happy. I'm again starting the beginning stages with my baby and so here are 5 ways I'm helping my baby's brain develop. Healthy Foods When it's time for baby's first foods you should choose food that is healthy. Baby's first foods are really exciting! This Gerber cereal is awesome. Just two servings of … [Read more...]
Understanding your Baby’s Gut Health
When it comes down to your baby, you want what is best for him or her. You spend a lot of time prepping for your baby. You think about where they will sleep and what they will eat. At the end of the day, gut health probably isn’t something you’ve really put much thought into, right? Well, understanding your baby’s gut health is important, so don’t miss these tips.The first six monthsThe first six months of a baby’s life is important anyways, but for gut health this is the most crucial … [Read more...]
Building a Foundation of Life Long Health
As a Mother I want to do what is best for my kids, always. When I was pregnant with my first child I knew that I wanted to breastfeed and hoped that I would be able to do it. I had friends that had struggled with breastfeeding and some that weren't able to at all, so I hoped this would be in my future. Regardless of how my baby ended up getting fed, my most important goal was building a foundation of life long health for that baby.Breastfeeding worked out well for my first two children. I … [Read more...]
7 Truths About Pregnancy No One Tells You
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Depend®. The opinions and text are all mine.It’s no secret that I have been pregnant four times. While I love my kids, the road to where we are was not always easy. Most people only talk about the pleasant parts of pregnancy. While I wouldn’t change any part of my pregnancy or my kids, I do want to be real with you. Here are 6 truths about pregnancy that no one tells you.Your feet will swell, eventuallyThe best thing about … [Read more...]
Tips to Help Your Baby Be Healthy
Every parent wants their baby to be healthy. When your baby is born healthy, you give thanks. There are also some things you can do to keep your baby as healthy as possible after birth. Check out these 8 ways you can help your baby be healthy.Take proper vitaminsYou can help your baby be healthy by taking vitamins. Vitamins are wonderful for the nursing mother. They are also great for the formula feeding mother as a healthy mama can help keep baby happy and healthy.Give your baby … [Read more...]
Touring the NICU at Children’s Mercy Hospital
Being a pregnant Mom has me really interested in all things baby right now. When I was offered the opportunity to tour the Fetal Health Center including the NICU at Children's Mercy Hospital as part of the Children's Mercy Mom Ambassador program I was really excited.The beginning of this pregnancy brought a little bit of uncertainty as I dealt with the possibility of having complications from the Zika Virus. A month before I got pregnant my family had traveled to a Zika infested area and … [Read more...]