This post has been sponsored a Children's Mercy Hospital Mom Ambassador. All opinions are my own. Your experience may differ. When it comes to giving your kids medicine, each medication is a little bit different. It is always a good idea to be cautious when giving your kids medication. Not only can dosing incorrectly affect your child in the present, but in can affect your child in the future.Currently, Children’s Mercy is exploring a new platform, aptly called GOLDILOKs, that helps … [Read more...]
Emergency Room vs Urgent Care: Where to go
As a CMHMoms Ambassador, this post has been sponsored, however, all opinions and experiences are my own. Yours may differ. I don’t know about you, but emergencies in my house happen around the weekends or at night; basically inconvenient times. Usually, there are only two options when it comes to where to take myself or the kids. The emergency room or urgent care. You may not know where to go, so I thought I’d fill you in on the difference.When to go to the emergency roomIn my family, … [Read more...]
TUNG Brush Review
TUNG Brush I received the TUNG Brush in exchange for this post, however all opinions are 100% my own.Have you ever been frustrated by the smell of your breath, even AFTER brushing? Unfortunately, this is because your tongue has bacteria all over it! This bacteria can cause bad breath, even if you brush your teeth twice a day. Once I learned about how dirty tongues really are I was excited to get the TUNG brush to review! As soon as we got it in the mail, my son and I ran to the bathroom to … [Read more...]
Back to School Sleep for Success Tips
As a Children's Mercy Mom's Ambassador I was compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.I know sometimes it is hard to keep your regular schedules and routines during the summer, but as back to school time approaches it would be a good idea to start returning to the regular routine so by the time school starts your kids are settled and know what to expect.Personally, my family basically keeps the same routine through summer as we do for school time. Sure when we are on vacation … [Read more...]
Let’s Feed Kansas City
This post is sponsored by Harvesters - The Community Food Network. For more information, visit opinions are my own.On several occasions throughout the year it seems we have the opportunity to donate food to different food banks or programs that are helping feed those in need in the community. Here in Kansas City we have Harvesters which is a huge part of our community serving 26 counties in Missouri and Kansas.September is Hunger Action Month and the #Hungry4More … [Read more...]
Are you #UrgentCarePrepared?
I grew up in a family that didn't go to the doctor often. We didn't get sick often so we just didn't go to the doctor. As I grew, hit puberty and had acne explode on my face, all of the sudden I was interested in going to a doctor regularly to get help for that problem. Being a child I didn't ever know all the circumstances around choosing a doctor or anything of the details but my "regular doctor" was the urgent care. Perhaps it was just that we didn't need an appointment, we could get in … [Read more...]
Get Hydrated with MAVEA Water Filtration Products
Thank you to Mavea for providing samples and compensation for this discussion and giveaway. All opinions are my own.It’s amazing how the one essential ingredient that our bodies need is the one thing we sometimes resist. Water is the ONE thing your body needs and now there is a fantastic way to get in your "eight glasses a day" or in my case 100 ounces a day. MAVEA offers an awesome water filtration pitcher, carafe and bottle. I absolutely love having the water filtration offered in each … [Read more...]
Summer Safety Tips for Kids
This post is sponsored by Children's Mercy as part of the #CHMMoms panel. All opinions are my own.As the temperatures warm and kids are getting out of school and moving their play outdoors, emergency rooms visits increase 20%. One minute children are playing fine and the next minute they are being rushed to the hospital with a gash in their head. Ok, that might be a little drastic, but seriously kids can get hurt in a number of different ways but with some simple rules and boundaries put in … [Read more...]
Tips for Dealing with Picky Eaters
As part of the CMH Moms group this post has been sponsored by Children's Mercy Hospital, all the opinions are my own.I hate meal time. It's a big struggle for me from beginning to end. What should I prepare? What are people going to eat? Who is going to complain about the food? How can I get them to eat a veggie, just ONE veggie? I know I'm not the only person who feels this way because I've seen countless memes on Facebook about it.While I still struggle with two of my own picky … [Read more...]
7 Creative Uses for Old Toothbrushes
When your toothbrush becomes worn out and used up, what is the first thing you do with it? Chances are it ends right up in the trash. And while that is fine and dandy, did you know that there are other ways to use that old toothbrush long after it has served the purpose of keeping your teeth clean? If you want to get the most bang out of your toothbrush buck, take a peek below at 7 creative uses for old toothbrushes that you need to try now! You will never toss another toothbrush away … [Read more...]
5 Reasons I Love Planet Fitness
This is a sponsored post, all opinions are my own.About two years ago one of my friends approached me to ask if I would like to be her gym buddy. I had never been a member of a gym so I was nervous to say yes but I definitely wanted to do it. With her support we went to Planet Fitness and joined. When I walked in and saw the atmosphere and saw all the "No Gymtimidation" signs, I was at ease and I have loved being a member ever since.If you are considering joining a gym, here are 5 … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Survive the Flu
This post is sponsored by Children’s Mercy, all opinions are my own. As part of the #CMHMom team I’ll be bringing you the latest from Children’s Mercy.Have you ever been okay one minute and the next minute you are super sick? Maybe the flu has hit your home. It is estimated that this season 20 percent of American's will get the flu. The flu tends to come on fast, causes a high fever, exhaustion, and may include a dry cough. If you are congested, chances are good you just have a cold that … [Read more...]
8 Things We Can Tell Our Children to Build Their Confidence
As an adult, I lack confidence in certain situations, so I can’t imagine how children feel. Unfortunately, a lot of times children look to adults to build their confidence and we fail them time and time again. Children feel small in this big world, so it’s important that we make them feel like they can do anything! I don’t know about you, but I want my children to feel powerful and unstoppable (as long as they aren’t resisting naptime).#1. You can do this.Oftentimes, it takes several … [Read more...]
The Dangers of Halloween and Novelty Contact Lenses
There are few things in life better than shocking friends with bold choices that stir things up from the everyday routines. The whole point of drastically-colored contact lenses is to add a little drama into a night out, and often you'll see them used around Halloween so would-be vampires, werewolves and crazy clowns get that added authenticity into their costume. Unfortunately these cheap novelty lenses just aren't safe enough to be used at any time of the year, and the FDA has made this clear … [Read more...]
alternaVites – An Easy Way for Kids to Take Vitamins
Thanks to alternaVites for sponsoring this information and giveaway. All opinions are my own.My children haven't yet learned how to swallow pills. Luckily, there is a plethora of medicines and vitamins out there that come in the form of liquid, strips, chewables, gummies and now powders. Though my kids are mostly willing to try one or more of those kinds of forms, gummies aren't preferred by me because they are sticky an get stuck in their teeth. Liquids have to be lacking a flavor for 1 of … [Read more...]