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Materials –

1. Paint 6 craft sticks white, 5 red, and 2 blue then let dry (or use a hair dryer for a faster dry time)

2. Cut your blue craft sticks into 2.5″ pieces and set aside.

3. Place two white craft sticks vertically, cut off about 1.5-2″ and glue your red and white sticks horizontally onto the white sticks, starting with red and rotating white then red until you use up all paint sticks.

4. Glue your blue sticks onto the top left corner like pictured.

5. Use your star stamp and brush lightly with paint and stamp onto the blue sticks.

6. Place a small amount of Elmer’s glue around the stars, coat with glitter and shake off any excess.

7. Hot glue a plain craft stick onto the bottom left for the pole.
You can display your flags by pushing them into your front lawn, putting them in your potted plants, stick magnets to them and stick them to your fridge or carry them to your Independence Day parade! How would you display these darling flags?

Looking for more craft stick crafts?
Shakeia Rieux says
Very creative, and such a cute idea! I know my nieces and nephew will enjoy making these
Heather Cahill says
I love this idea! So cute and looks fun to make! Thanks for sharing!
heather marocco says
so doing this with the kids
Maria A. Malaveci says
I absolutely love this!
Linda Fast says
This is a really cute craft idea. I am telling my cousin about this craft as she lives in the USA.
Donna says
This is such a fun craft idea! I would really enjoy making some of these adorable flags with my grandchildren.
Jessica says
Amazing look tasty and sweets Love it Thanks for sharing.