Do you think that navigating our 4-lane freeways and extra wide junctions in the US is difficult? How about driving in the UK, where there's a roundabout every couple of miles, or in Egypt where roads can actually have up to 8 lanes - but no road markings to separate them!Driving abroad is fraught with perils if you're expecting it to be like driving back home. Everywhere has their own laws, which can be very serious - things that might get you let off with a misdemeanour back home can lead … [Read more...]
DIY Road Trip I Spy Game
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TwizzlersSummer #CollectiveBiasAs I was thinking about my family's last road trip of the summer I was trying to come up with ways that everyone could have fun in the car. It seems most of the travel games I have require some level of reading, but my toddler can't read. A moment of genius struck and I came up with this DIY Road Trip I Spy Game using Twizzler Bites as the "markers" in the … [Read more...]
Mary Poppins at Kansas City Starlight
Starlight Theater gave me media passes to see Mary Poppins. All opinions are my own.Last night my husband and I were treated to seeing Mary Poppins at the Kansas City Starlight Theatre. Mary Poppins runs from July 24 thru August 2 at 8pm each night. One of the most popular Disney movies of all time captures hearts in a whole new way on stage. While young Jane and Michael have sent many a nanny packing, when Mary Poppins arrives on their doorstep she uses a combination of magic and common … [Read more...]
End “Are we there yet?” With These #Tips4Trips
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #Tips4Trips #CollectiveBiasRoad trips are one of the many wonderful parts of summer. My family loves to travel and road trips are the most cost-effective way to do it. Though they can be fun with awesome snacks, movies, rockin' tunes and road games, let's not forget the elephant in the room. The dreaded "ARE WE THERE YET?" question without fail happens every time.My kids have a … [Read more...]
7 Activities for Children to Do While in the Air
Plan on traveling by plane soon? There are some things you can do to keep your children occupied while in the air. Check out these 7 activities right here:Reading is Always FunReading books to your child has a way of calming their fears and helping them stay focused on something other than the plane. You can switch things up by using reading apps, listening to audio books, and even good old fashioned reading.Play GamesYou can play almost any game while on a plane, when you use … [Read more...]
7 Tips for Planning a Kid Friendly Vacation
It’s safe to say that kids and adults do not travel alike. What adults like, children seem to be the opposite. If you plan on taking your kids on a vacation, it’s important to plan a kid friendly one. Here are some tips for planning a vacation the whole family can enjoy.Make Sure There are Kid ActivitiesNot every vacation destination has your children in mind. It really does take time and effort to find a kid friendly place for your children. Although once you find right place, you’ll … [Read more...]
7 Best Apps For Road Trip Travel
Getting to the point where you ready to actually take off on vacation takes a little car maintenance preparation. Once your ready to hit the road for a family vacation, these best apps for road trip travel should be downloaded onto your smart phone. Not only will they help you save money, they can help you make it to your destination with ease. These are great choices for anyone traveling alone or with their family.7 Best Apps For Road Trip TravelGoogle Maps: There are many GPS apps … [Read more...]
11 Reasons the Kia Sedona SXL is the Perfect Family Vehicle
My family recently returned from a trip to visit my parents in southern Utah. We flew in and out of Las Vegas which was an adventure in itself. My kids had never been to Vegas (at least that they remember) so seeing the lights and slot machines was exciting for them. My toddler thought we were the meanest parents in the world for not letting him play the "games" that were everywhere we went.Getting around that week we drove in a Kia Sedona SXL. We currently own an older model of the Kia … [Read more...]
Easy Ways to Keep Family Travel on Budget
This article has been sponsored by Giving Assistant but all opinions are my own.As you are well aware my family loves to travel. I plan out family trips months and years before we actually go. Some of the trips I plan are hypothetical to see if we could actually afford it. Most are cemented into our plans and are definitely happening. Either way, when I'm planning our trips I try to get the best deals I can, save as much money as I can to keep our family travel within our budget. Here are a … [Read more...]
Summer Travel Bonus
This summer my family's travel bucket list involves some really fun and special activities. A few years ago my parents moved, we've seen them at family reunions and on other trips but we've never visited them in their new home. We are heading there this summer to spend a week with them. Later in the summer we are visiting "my happy place" which is Cannon Beach, Oregon. This is where my family would go on vacation almost every year growing up. I have a lot of fun memories there and I'm so excited … [Read more...]
A City Girl’s Guide to Ranch Enjoyment
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED my time at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch, so much that I still get a little teary thinking about it. Horseshoe Canyon Ranch taught me some amazing life lessons about my self and definitely holds a special place in my heart. BUT I wish I had been a little more prepared for days at the ranch. In order to help any of you city folk avoid the culture shock of the wilderness and swiftly move into relaxed ranch living, here's my City Girl's Guide to Ranch Enjoyment.Bring a … [Read more...]
Camelot at Starlight Theater
This week through June 14, playing at the Starlight Theater in Kansas City is Camelot. One of theatre’s most legendary musicals, Camelot recounts the time-honored legend of King Arthur, Guenevere, Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table. This enchanted fable of chivalry, majesty and brotherhood is a four-time Tony Award® winning show. Camelot’s celebrated score includes the classics “If Ever I Would Leave You,” “The Simple Joys of Maidenhood” and, of course, the title song. The show is 2 … [Read more...]
Horseshoe Canyon Ranch – A Special Place in Arkansas
Horseshoe Canyon Ranch hosted myself and 4 other Kansas City bloggers for 5 days so we could experience the ranch life. All opinions are my own.Horseshoe Canyon Ranch is a special place. If you would have told me Wednesday night when I drove into the ranch at 5pm in pouring rain on a dirt road that 5 days later it would hold a special place in my heart and I'd even shed a tear or two to leave it, I'd laugh in your face.Let me share the story of my experience at Horseshoe Canyon … [Read more...]
How to Prepare for Summer Camp
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Mabel’s Labels. I received a voucher to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.My children are heading to a summer camp this year. I usually have them do different activities during the summer but this year for the first time they will go to a week of camp. Not an over night camp, I will take them and pick them up everyday, but they will be getting the summer camp … [Read more...]
Packing my Cowboy Boots for Horseshoe Canyon Ranch
My trip was provided by Horseshoe Canyon Ranch to help promote their all inclusive vacation.I have always wanted to go to an all inclusive resort. When I pictured this resort I had visions of foreign countries and the beach. To my surprise and delight my first experience with an all inclusive resort will be a Dude Ranch in Arkansas. From May 27 - 31 I am heading to Horseshoe Canyon Ranch with some Kansas City bloggers. So you may be asking what is there possibly to do at a dude ranch? Let … [Read more...]