It’s our favorite time of year – time to make cheesy homemade Kids Valentines Cards. My kids look forward to this every year. My husband and I come up with several ideas and they decide which they want to take to school. This year the overwhelming favorite from all our options was this darling paper bear cut out holding a bag of mini gummy bears with a sign that says “You’re a Beary good friend, Valentine.” I think all three kids are going to take it to their parties.
Kids Valentines Cards You’re a Beary Good Friend
This is a super easy and cute Valentine to make. Your kids will have fun helping you with these, and they are a perfect addition to any classroom party!
Supplies Needed:
- Printable Bear/ Heart sign
- Different shades of brown paper
- Glue
- Tape
- Mini Gummy Bear packs (you can order these in bulk on Amazon or check your local party supply store)
First, print out a template of the bears. Below is what the printable looks like. You can download the printable, save it to your computer and then print it as much as you want. You can even print directly onto brown and red papers if you want to piece the bears together that way.

Glue the two bears together (Or just put all the features on one piece of paper using paint or gluing on the nose and paws). Then we taped on the little gummy bear candy bags and taped the heart on top of it. It was pretty fast assembly once we had the bears ready to go.

Looking for more printable Valentines?
- Love is in the ‘Air‘
- You Brighten My Day
- I spy My Valentine
- High Five Valentine
- You’re the Star of my Show
- ‘Bear’y Good Friend
- Starburst Valentine
- Parachute Valentine
- “Piece of Cake” Valentine
We also have a lot of fun Valentine crafts, recipes, games, printables and more on our Valentine’s Day page.
Audrey Stewart says
These are so cute! My youngest one loves teddy bears.
Bridget Calfee says
These little bears are so cute for Valentines day
Rania R says
Awwww, this is too precious. It made me tear. I love the idea. I want to make this for my boys to give to their cousins.
Jean Millsap says
My sons and grandsons have always loved bears. I want to make these…:)
Alice says
Hi Stefanie, it’s really easy and super cute. I should try this for the coming birthday party of my kid. I loved the idea behind this, Thank you!
Galina says
Hey. A great gift to get. I’ll take a note!