Printable Games
The easiest way to prepare some activities for the car is the simply print them out.

I have some really awesome games that only involve printing. This License Plate Bingo is fun for cross country road trips because you will be able to cross off a lot states.
If you have small kids that really enjoy the alphabet game you can print out Alphabet Game board to help you keep track of the letter you are on. Small kids might not want to go in order so cross off the letters as you find them.

You can also purchase a copy of my Ultimate Road Trip Activities book from amazon.

Slideways is a fun puzzle game that doesn’t require much space. It would be perfect for your older kids as the game says ages 8+. It can even be played with 2-3 players so you can pass it around the car for all the players. Thanks to SAHM Reviews for telling me about it!

With printed games, toys, snack and movies even the time in the car can be fun. If you want to enjoy your trip in a nice new car you can check out Westbury Toyota for their nice selection.
If you have road trip games you love, leave a link or the details below!
Tonya Wariner says
Thanks for some good ideas.