Disclosure: Disney provided me an all expense paid trip to promote the Muppets Most Wanted premiere. All experiences and opinions are my own. Yours may differ.

We walked from the Hilton Garden Inn over to Hollywood Blvd. by way of the Oscar staircase. We paused to take a group photo and individual pictures and to kill a little time so we could be fashionably late.

Above is the Interpol car in the film. Below is the giant badge belonging to Sam the Eagle.

So what did we talk about?
I first asked him if he was really in the box. He said that yes, he was in the box. (I got in the box too, pictured above)
I asked him if he grew up watching the Muppets. He said that he did! He said when he was about 5 he remembers watching the Muppets on TV and really enjoying them.
I asked him if doing the movie with the Muppets and seeing how they work killed the magic for him. He replied that working with the Muppets didn’t kill the magic. If anything it increased it because he has a great appreciation for all that goes into creating the movies and making the Muppets so real for all of us.
It was such a pleasure to spend about 5 minutes with Josh Groban and connect with him. The whole evening was amazing. I’m glad I have pictures to prove that it happened because it seems like the dream. This was a once in a lifetime experience that I won’t forget and don’t want to ever forget.
My only regret of the evening? Not eating any of the food. It smelled amazing but the tables were usually all taken throughout the night and so I just didn’t ever stop to grab food and stand around to eat it. There was so much other stuff going on that I didn’t want to miss, so I ended up missing out on food, but that’s ok. Totally worth it, as were the blisters on my toes for wearing some cute heels.
Muppets Most Wanted comes to a theater near you on March 21.
Sherry says
Great pictures, Stefanie! Looks like you had a fabulous time. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Rachel mouton says
You really got some amazing pictures! Thank you so much for sharing 😀
Dawn Cullo says
Great picture of you and Josh!!