I am so happy to feature the Duo and Trio Binders in my Holiday Gift Guide. All opinions are 100% my own.I can't imagine anything more fantastic than having my life and home organized. Which makes me super excited that these Duo and Trio organizers arrived at my home! These folders/binders have tons of features to help keep you organized for any number of occasions. Duo 2 in 1 Organizer This awesome organizer features a 7 pocket folder that you get to through by unhooking … [Read more...]
10 Heroic Habits of Health
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for LISTERINE. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.Superheroes are a big deal in our home. My kids love Superheroes - toys, movies, cartoons, all of it! Since Superheroes are people that we should look up to, have qualities we want to mimic and habits we also want to have we have come up with: 10 Heroic Habits of Health 1. Family Walks One of our favorite … [Read more...]
Share your Real Beauty – #BeautyIs
Thanks to Global Influence for sponsoring this meaningful conversation.I don't normally plaster huge pictures of myself on my blog, but here it is! This is me doing what I do all day every day - being a Mom. At this particular moment my baby wasn't feeling well and so he needed some Mommy snuggles on the couch with a show. We snuggled up together most of the day and watched movies, sang songs, played games on a tablet and napped. I love being a Mom to my kids.To me #BeautyIs … [Read more...]
Depend has your Bladder Leakage Covered
Thank you to Depend for sponsoring today’s post about the #dropyourpants for #underwareness movement. All experiences and opinions are my own.No matter how prepared you are for having children, no matter how many books you read and people you talk to, you never get the whole story. There are things about child-birth and changes to your body after having children that people don't tell you, you end up learning it on your own. I had no idea after I had my first child that bladder leakage was … [Read more...]
How to Make Exercise Fun for the Whole Family
All parents want their children to be as healthy as possible, and one of the most important factors that determine physical health is exercise. The benefits of an active lifestyle have been well documented and it’s a good idea to start as early as possible when teaching children the importance of physical exercise. The whole family should get involved in physical activities, in order that a god example is set to the youngest members. Timing is EverythingIf you time … [Read more...]
Back to School with MinuteClinic
Disclosure: I have received promotional consideration from MinuteClinic. For us Back to School is right around the corner. My kids go back in the middle of August. This year is even more exciting for our family because we will have a new Kindergartener. While it is exciting for my son to be growing up and starting school, it also means time for more vaccinations.I am in my early 30's (I hate admitting that!) but even I can still remember the day I had to get all my … [Read more...]
BabySpa Keeping my Baby Smooth
Disclsoure: I received free product sample as part of the BabySpa ambassador program. All experiences and opinions are my own. Yours may differ.My baby has some very sensitive skin! He started with some small patches of Eczema but as the summer has come around and temperatures have risen it has flared up really bad. We have tried some many things to help control it and not many have worked. We did find that a combination of products was doing pretty good to keep it in check. One of those … [Read more...]
Sponsored Video: Watch Nana Test the 3M Nexcare Waterproof Bandage
This post has been sponsored by 3M Nexcare, but concerns my own opinion.With all of the travel we are taking this summer it has been really important for us to be prepared for all types of situations. In order to prepare we have made a "survival kit" filled with helpful items to keep in our car so we are prepared! In this survival kit are tums (you never know when a tummy ache might strike!), pain killer, lotion, sunscreen, antibacterial soap, Neosporin and bandages in different shapes and … [Read more...]
On-The-Go Clean with Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths
Disclosure: I have teamed up with Linqia and Cottonelle to discuss this product. All experiences and opinions are my own. Yours may differ.This summer is all about road trips for my family! We recently returned from one just to turn around and leave for another soon. When I pack for these road trips I keep cleanliness in mind. I'm bit of a germaphobe and I want my kids and myself to be clean - everywhere!This may get a little bit embarrassing here for a moment but it's time to talk … [Read more...]
Dove and Family Dollar Talking Beauty and Giveaway a TRIP!
Disclosure: I have teamed up with Global Influence to tell you about this great contest, that I myself have also entered. All opinions are my own. This month we have been discussing beauty a lot it seems. Earlier I told you about how I didn't start struggling with my own self confidence until I was in my 20's. Now Dove and Family Dollar are teaming up, talking about REAL beauty and giving away a trip to NYC.To enter, take a picture of video of you with an inspiring … [Read more...]
Dove and Walgreens Celebrate Women
Disclosure: I have teamed up with Global Influence to bring you this sponsored content.I seem to be backwards in my life when it comes to my sense of beauty and confidence. "Normally" I would say teenagers struggle with their looks and whether they feel beautiful or not. As a teenager I was pretty confident in myself. While I wasn't popular or gorgeous by any means, I was happy with me and didn't really fall into the trap of worry what others though.Fast forward into my late 20's and … [Read more...]
Keep Your Skin Care Routine Simple®
Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Global Influence. Regardless, all opinions and experiences are my own. Yours maybe differ.When I was little the doctor would tell my parents to be careful with my skin because it was sensitive. Keep it covered up, or slathered in sunscreen they would say. When I grew up and I was in charge of my own skin, my parents would echo the warnings of the doctors. As a teenager I failed to really listen but now as an adult and mother, I see their … [Read more...]
Join the #WaterRevolution with Contigo
Disclosure: I have teamed up with Contigo to bring you this informative post. All experiences and opinions are my own. Yours may differ.I have been a fan of Contigo for a while now. Last year when my parents came to visit they owned some really cool Contigo water bottles and so my Mom bought me one. I take this water bottle everywhere I go. Why is Contigo so cool? Because they have an Autoclose technology that makes their water bottles better than all the other water bottles … [Read more...]
Long Lasting Hand Sanitizer
Disclosure: I received a free product sample for review purposes. All experiences and opinions are my own. Yours may differ.Father's Day falls during summer break. This year instead of getting Dad a tie or some socks, try getting him some Zylast. Zylast is a revolutionary hand sanitizer that offers persistent protection for up to six hours.I have used a lot of hand sanitizers because of having three children. We use them when we go out, after we've been at church, after grocery … [Read more...]
Meningitis in babies and children – Don’t ignore the signs and symptoms
Meningitis is the disease that parents’ fear most, and we all want to keep our children safe. So how do we protect our children from meningitis?Vaccines are the only way to prevent serious and life-threatening infectious diseases like meningitis.Meningitis is caused by many different organisms, but the most common are bacteria and viruses. In the UK all babies are offered vaccines from the age of 2 months, as part of the Childhood Immunisation Programme. Some of these vaccines protect … [Read more...]