Some kids love to collect things. My kids have a pencil collection and a collection of certain little toys. When I was young I collected The Boxcar Children books. My Mom was a teacher and so I had access to a lot of book orders where we could buy all of the books in the series. I especially loved the special edition books with the white covers because they had puzzles in the back. When I found out about this event it really took me back to my childhood. I’m really excited about The Boxcar Children – Surprise Island coming to a theater near you May 8th ONLY!

THE BOXCAR CHILDREN – SURPRISE ISLAND follows the adventures of the orphaned Boxcar Children as they spend an entire summer living on their Grandfather’s small, nearly uninhabited island. There they meet Joe, who is friendly and helpful, and inexplicably living on their island. Does their new friend have a secret?
Print off this fun The Boxcar Children bookmark here and get your tickets to this really exciting event here.

I received this same prize pack and my 12 year old daughter is really loving the Guide to Adventure because it has a lot of different secret codes and puzzles. This is a great prize!! And don’t forget to get your movie tickets for the ONE DAY ONLY event here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Kristy Sutherland says
My favorite character is Annie
Shakeia Rieux says
My favorite is Jessie
Shakeia Rieux says
I commented on
Karley Moore says
I like the character Annie. Thanks for the giveaway!
vickie says
I love all the children. Hardworkers!
Angelica Dimeo says
I like all the kids
wen budro says
My favorite character is Jessie but I love them all really.
Heather Cranmer says
I used to love the Boxcar Children as a kid. Violet was always my favorite. I don’t really know why, but I just remember always loving her! I’m hoping to get my kids into the Boxcar Children.
Angela Kern says
Dana says
My favorite character is Annie.
Keri Greene says
I never really had a favorite kid. I liked them all. Responsible, hard working, friendly group of kids. Would love to have had a friend like them.
Ashley says
My favorite character is Jessie
Holly Noel Garrigus says
Gosh it’s been so long since I’ve even read a Boxcar Children book! I used to love them!!
Tara Kosing says
I like them all . But probably Annie.
Lisa Hollinger says
Violet is my favorite
Daniel M says
don’t have a fav
Bonnie Urbanek says
I loved this series as a kid and look forward to sharing with the babies in my life!!
Debbie Welchert says
It has been so many years ago that I read Boxcar Children. All I remember is how much I loved reading this book. I would love for my grandchildren to read these books and love them as much as I did as a child.
Erik VL says
Annie is definitely my favorite!
cassandra register says
Thanks for the chance, this is so cool! This was my favorite book when I was little and would love to pass some on to my children!
Missy says
Jessie is my favorite character.
Casey Garvey says
I have always loved Annie in the boxcar children series! Shes so brave and adventurous! I commented on
Jennifer H. says
I would say Voilet.
John H. says
kim brooks says
Annie has been a favorite of mine for a while she is so outgoing and brave i love her
Kayla Klontz says
jessie is my favorite character.
Brandy Gano says
thank you for the chance to win im sure my girls would love this as i enjoyed them growing up. Good luck everyone.
Leah Shumack says
I read these books growing up and love that they are still around for my daughter to read too! I always loved Violet!
Kelly Freeman says
Jessie is my favorite!
Lori says
Loved these books as a child.
Maureen Blatz says
My favorite it Jessie