My Mother-in-law came to visit us several months ago when my baby was born. We tend to make a few treats whenever she comes to visit. At the time my baby was having some tummy trouble and so I cutting out different foods trying to figure out what was upsetting him. At that point I was off chocolate (gasp! I know!). If you love chocolate and have ever had to be off it you will know how hard it is. Of course when I was off chocolate the only treats I could think of were chocolate ones. So we decided to make peanut butter cookies and peanut butter chip cookies and all things peanut butter.
When our first batch of cookies was coming out of the oven she got out some wax paper and placed it on the counter. She then told me her secret (ok I don’t think it is a secret… at least I hope not because here it is internet world!) She said that she immediately takes the cookies off the hot cookie sheet and puts them on the wax paper. This does two things
- Prevents the cookies from continuing to bake on the hot sheet resulting in them becoming over done
- Doesn’t allow air up through a wire rack that will begin the drying out process immediately
GENIUS! Ever since then (which has now been 8 months) this is what I have done every time I have baked cookies. My cookies do stay chewier longer… well at least they would if they didn’t get eaten up in a day. But they are getting eaten so quickly because they are chewier than they have been in the past. Good bye cookie rack, hello wax paper!
Jenni E. says
Well, that is something I’m gonna have to try. I always gripe because I feel like we always have to hurry and eat the cookies ASAP because by the next day, they’re hard as a brick! Then they don’t get eaten and all the ingredients and money wasted. Thanks for sharing her little secret. I promise, I won’t tell. 😉
Amy says
I will try this Thanks for sharing!!?