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Though it is not too late to this year, if you find you have the flu you are going to be in for a rough couple of days. If you catch the symptoms soon enough you may be able to get help from the doctor in the form of Tamiflu.

5 ways to survive the flu
Get Lots of Rest
One way you are going to survive the flu is by getting lots of rest. If you have kids, you may want to have someone come over and help you out, while you sleep. It’s never any fun feeling sick, but one of the only ways you will get better is if you get some rest. Remember your body heals best whenever you’re asleep, so try to get as much sleep as possible.
Lots of Fluids
When it comes to having the flu, your body is going to need lots of fluid. As soon as you find out you have the flu, you will want to start downing fluids. Water is the best thing to drink, but you may find yourself drinking other fluids to help flush out the sickness. Lots of fluids is definitely one of the top ways to survive the flu.
Pillows & Blankets
The flu calls for making a pillow and blanket pallet where you feel most comfortable. You are not going to want to get up and down a lot, so make a bed where it’s most convenient for you. That spot may be on your couch or right in your bed. Comfort should always be a top priority when it comes to trying to survive the flu.
Pain Reliever
Depending on what kind of pain you are in, you may need a pain reliever to help you feel better. Pain reliever comes in many forms, so make sure you are picking what works best for you! It may take a few tries before you find a brand of pain reliever that works for you! Keep in mind you don’t want to try the pain relievers all in a row, wait the allotted time before trying a new one.
Lots of Soup
If there is one way to survive having the flu it would be to eat lots of soup. Whether you have someone make it for you or you muster up the energy to make it for yourself, it’s a great way to get some relief. Soup as a way of helping your body fight off the flu. It gives your body energy and nutrients it needs to fight off the nasty germs.

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travel blogger says
Cold and flu season is just awful. These tips are great. Hopefully we can get by without too many of us getting sick.
Mimi Green says
Fingers crossed that we survive the flu season without anyone getting sick. I make sure we wash our hands and sneeze in our sleeve and all of that. I have two kids and I try to keep them healthy.
Jenn @ EngineerMommy says
I hate cold and flu season. THanks for sharing these tips for handling a cold or flu. Making chicken noodle soup is something we always do to help combat the flu!
Liz Mays says
These are good ideas. I’m really hoping to avoid the flu this year. It really seems to sneak up on you!
Valerie says
These are great tips. My favorite thing is to wash your hands, a lot. It is so important in the spread of disease and illness.
Jennifer Pilgrim says
My daughter just got the flu, so this is so helpful. Soup really is the answer.
Esther | The Cuteness says
I actually got the stomach flu in the first tri of my current pregnancy and it was AWFUL. 24 hours of hell! Being sick, especially when you have kids to take care of, is the worst.
Shonee says
I hate the flu. It seems to be everywhere this time of year. So far we have only had colds, finger crossed. Getting a ton of fluids is key in my mind to help flush out the disease. Thanks for sharing!
Franc Ramon says
Rest is really important in avoiding flu. I also take a lot of water and also use vitamins to strengthen the immune system.
Maureen says
I agree with Franc Ramon, rest and lots of fluids are keys to get over flu. I love soups too it really makes you feel a lot better when you are down with a flu.
Jasmine Watts says
I got flue yesterday and found these tips really helpful!! Thanks for sharing these!!
Rebecca Swenor says
These are great tips for surviving the flu. Drinking plenty of clear fluids and getting plenty of sleep I believe are vital to getting over the flu. It is so important I think to get the kids and elderly their flu shots every year.
ricci says
The flu is out in full force now!! These are all great tips and hand washing is definitely number one!!
Jennifer Pritchard Kearney says
Ugh it definitely is in full force right now. I have a bad head cold currently. Knock on wood I haven’t had the flu in a long time. Thanks for sharing these tips!
Vera Sweeney says
I am ready for summer time to come and the flu season to be over with. These are great tips for surviving the flu
aaronica @ the crunchy mommy says
lots of fluids is so important. getting dehydrated while sick is a recipe for disaster! and i definitely through some essential oils up in there too!
Ana says
Perfect timing for this post!! I will take my precautions and hopefully make through
Miranda (Anosa) says
Definitely could have done with these tips in the last few weeks because it seemed as though I would never be over the cold/flu. Awesome tips
Kiwi says
I will be honest…I am not a flu shot person. I dont believe in it personally but for those that do I respect their decision.
Stefanie Cornwall says
These are great tips. I hate feeling sick and have vowed to take care of myself better!
Lashawn Wiltz says
I have had the flu attack me already. I will be sure to take note of these!
Angela Saver says
Great tips! I love making homemade chicken noodle soup for my family when they’re sick because it really helps get some fluids in, as well as great nutrition!
Beth Rees says
Thanks for sharing. Fluids are so important and can really shorten the life of a flu and make it so much easier. We have been relatively healthy so far but there was an awful bout in December and the fluids made a huge difference
S Coulson says
My best friend died of the flu – in her 40’s. She took a pain reliever, then threw it up, over and over. Her partner did not realize as he kept giving her more meds, that he was killing her. Every time she threw up, she lost all the water. When he finally called the paramedics, it was too late. She was so dehydrated, they could not save her. So, if you cannot keep anything down, just take the tiniest sips of water that you can, or suck on an ice cube. Please be careful of dehydration and get to the hospital if you are not keeping anything down!!