100 Chore Chart Ideas for Kids to Earn an Allowance
Toddler to 4 years old:
- Sort laundry separating darks and whites
- Gather dirty clothes and take to laundry room
- Use a Swiffer on floors
- Comb or brush pets (gently with instruction)
- Pickup toys
- Make bed (pull blankets up and neaten things)
- Wipe down baseboards
- Help feed pets
- Put clean clothing away
- Dust low surfaces
- Set the table for meals
- Match socks
- Fold washcloths
5 -10 years old:
- Vacuum
- Wipe down counters
- Start laundry
- Swap laundry from washer to dryer
- Clean toilets
- Sweep
- Load the dishwasher
- Unload the dishwasher
- Clean the refrigerator
- Take out the trash
- Clean windows
- Clean mirrors
- Sort and take out recycling
- Fold laundry
- Water plants or garden
- Pick produce from garden
- Weed garden
- Rake leaves
- Clean toilet
- Wipe down cabinets
- Assist with food prep (chop, mix, watch as needed and able)
- Groom pets
- Take dog for a walk as needed
- Scoop litter pans
- Change linens on their bed
- Get the mail
- Clean microwave
- Wipe down stove top (when cooled)
- Clean kitchen sink
- Wipe down kitchen counters
11-14 years old:
- Prepare basic meals like boxed items, reheat frozen items, etc.
- Assist younger siblings with baths
- Assist younger siblings with getting dressed each day
- Wash and dry clothing
- Mop floors
- Clean ceiling fans
- Dust higher shelves
- Wash pots and pans (or other items that don’t go in the dishwasher)
- Help mow the lawn
- Gather limbs and wood for the fireplace
- Change out batteries in smoke detectors
- Organize the pantry
- Clean out the freezer
- Clean bathroom tub or shower
- Clean out the car
- Vacuum the car
- Prepare lunches for school
- Put groceries away
- Feed younger siblings
- Change younger siblings diapers or help with toddler potty time
- Sanitize door knobs, handles, light switches and other commonly touched surfaces
- Sweep front or back porch
- Help plant a garden
- Clip coupons
- Pick clothing for he next day for themselves and younger siblings
- Help with younger siblings bath time
- Bake cookies, cakes, brownies or simple breads
- Wash and prep fruits and vegetables for lunch box, breakfast or meals
- Straighten the living room or family room
- Dust coffee tables, end tables and pictures
15-18 years old:
- Mow the lawn
- Use the weed whacker or pull weeds
- Wash the car
- Run errands for parents
- Make a menu plan
- Make a grocery list
- Go shopping for groceries
- Handle pool care (testing, cleaning, etc.)
- Clean outdoor furniture and grill
- Babysit younger siblings
- Check younger siblings homework
- Clean out garage
- Clean out attic
- Trim hedges
- Clean the family office (dust, organize, empty trash, etc.)
- Paint or do minor household repairs (change light bulbs, add caulk around sinks, etc.)
- Create the family budget
- Change the oil in their car or family car
- Take vehicles for basic maintenance checkups (tire rotation, tune up, etc.)
- Wax the car
- Take siblings to the library
- Iron clothes
- Drop off and pick up dry cleaning
- Wash outside windows
- Use power washer to clean mold/mildew from outside of the home
- Empty cat litter pans
- Clean the stove
While I do think children should contribute to the household just because they live there and make messes, I do believe in giving my children a small allowance so they can learn how to pay a tithe, save and have the responsibility of buying things they really want (mostly just when we are on vacation, they purchase their own souvenirs).
This list of chores your kids can do for an allowance covers basic daily needs as well as things that will teach them necessary life skills for their future. Allowances vary depending on the family, but teaching your kids the value of a dollar and responsibility for their actions is a great reason to use this list to get started with daily, weekly and monthly chore charts.
Cassandra says
I have been blessed with a two year old who loves to clean. On nights when I am late getting her to bed and rushing, she actually throws a fit or cries because she needs to “clean up.” She sings her clean up song, picks up her toys, puts her dirty clothes in the hamper, then is ready for bed! It is adorable. She also loves to feed her dog!
Great list and I love that it is separated by age!
Jaime Nicole says
I am so printing this out so that I can show the kids that someone aside from me thinks that they should do something for their money! I love the way the list is broken down by age group so there is an age appropriate selection. We will definitely be using this list to encourage some more helpful contributions.
kita says
My kids do chores for free to learn how to do things but I do give allowances I mostly base them on grades but this is a great list for kids. My kids love our clean up days I put on music and it’s a family affair
Cara (@StylishGeek) says
Thank you so much for your awesome list! I’m definitely doing some of these with our daughter. Interestingly however as she gets older her homework time increases and we actually have to help her with some of her chores, yet her allowance continue to increase! Haha! No fair!
Vera Sweeney says
I love this list of chores!! My kids love to do help pitch in around the house, and even better when they get an allowance. Love the different breakdown by ages.
Renu says
This is a great, well-organised list! I love how you’ve classified the chores according to age. I don’t have kids yet, but I’ll be sure to pass the list on to my sister.
Maureen says
Great list of chore ideas! Very useful, as it can be so hard to think of chores that the kids can do that doesn’t cause more work sometimes. I have heard so many different philosophies in regards to allowances and chores. With my older four, who are now aged 16-24, I was convinced by many parenting articles and books that allowances and chores should not be tied together. I would say that was an utter failure in our case. My older kids are completely not helpful and only do exactly what they are assigned, no more, no less, and seem to feel that money grows on trees. So with my youngest, who is seven, I definitely plan to take a different approach. I haven’t decided what it should be yet though. She gets an allowance already, but I don’t tie it to chores because she is very helpful at this point in time just because that is in her personality.
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly says
Kids today sure do have it easy, we HAD to chores we were not paid to do them! Must be nice……. 🙂
Chanel | Cultural Xplorer says
This is a great list for someone who plans to be a mom within the next couple of years. I think I will start giving allowance once they get old enough to understand the value of money and now I know just where to start! 😀
the mom says
these seem like basic household responsibilities for children. I was hoping for a list of ideas of extra things kids could do to EARN cash.
Shannon MacNeil says
This is one of my favourite posts. I have a 2 year old and I often wonder what I can give her to do that would be age appropriate. She loves to help out, so no issue there! Thanks for this post.
Jo-Ann Brightman says
There are so many great ideas here for chores for kids. I shall have to bookmark this page or print it out or both.
Sharon Braswell says
This list is great because it includes kids, teens and young adults! There is something doable at every age to teach them to be responsible and learn the value of money. Thank you!!
Bree says
I am child and I think this really opened my siblings and I’ eyes. This is great thank you!!
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ness says
Thanks for sharing. Great post and I don’t have a kid yet. But I will share with some one who have a kid.
Maria says
Thank you for giving my children ideas cause now they don’t say “ mom I’m bored “, 😂 it’s been so awesome that there willing to help.