Know your kids well
I have found that our most successful road trips with kids happen because we know our kids well. We know how long they can last in the car. We know how often they need to eat. We also know what is going to keep them occupied. It’s best to try and understand how your kids will do in a car for a long period of time.
Be prepared
When it comes to having kids, you can never be too prepared. When you’re on a road trip with kids, you need to just bring a mini version of everything you have at home. I stock up on snacks, water, games, toys, activity books, movies and anything else I can think of. Road trips with kids calls you to be super prepared.
Bring stuff for yourself
We always think of tips for the kids, but the reality is that the passenger of the car needs to not be bored. This is assuming you may be the passenger. On road trips, I pack a special bag for myself. This includes snacks, books, and my electronics – don’t forget those chargers! I need something to stay busy to keep my sanity and to help keep the driver awake and alert.
Distraction is your best friend
Kids need a lot of distraction when they’re on a road trip. I like to bring lots of snacks/drinks for them, but also a few other things. If your kids can read, bring books. Electronics are great, but when the battery dies, they will need something else to keep them busy. There are a lot of simple and fun road trip games you can play along the way. Many don’t involve needing to read so even your little toddlers can play along.
Make stops when you need to
I know making stops can get out of hand whenever you’re on a road trip with kids. However, you will need to stop every now and again. Kids don’t do a great job of riding in vehicles for an extended period. For us, the rule is to get out every 2-3 hours. This lets the kids use the bathroom and stretch their legs. Mom and dad need to stretch their legs every now and again too.
Road tripping with kids can be fun if you’re prepared. It’s important to remember that they are kids! Do you have any tips for road trips with kids?
Make your road trip comfortable for everyone with a car that adequately fits the size group you have traveling. Hoffman GM carries a great selection of vehicles.
MaryAnn says
We love taking our kiddos on road trips every summer. I always bring lots of snacks and things for them to do.
Esther Diaz says
Going on a road trip with the kids are really fun. I as well bring a lot of snacks and drinks (as much as possible healthy snacks). And some electronics or toys for them too. Anyways, good read. 🙂