Disclosure: I teamed up with Sunoco to inform you of this great contest. All experiences and opinions are my own. Yours may differ.

How does FREE gas sound? It sounds pretty awesome to me! Entering to win a grand prize of $1,500 in Sunoco gift cards, or a daily prize of $10 gift cards is easy!
Head to the Sunoco FREE Fuel 5000 Online Decal Hunt page. Here you will register for free and then choose where you want to place your online decal. You can put it on your own website, on Facebook or twitter. If Sunoco spots your decal you will win one of the hundreds of $10 gift cards or the grand prize of $1,500 in Sunoco gift cards. For full contest details visit the Official rules page.
I got all registered and here’s my decal:

This contest ends August 31, so head over to the contest page and enter now!