This post has been sponsored by 3M Nexcare, but concerns my own opinion.
With all of the travel we are taking this summer it has been really important for us to be prepared for all types of situations. In order to prepare we have made a “survival kit” filled with helpful items to keep in our car so we are prepared! In this survival kit are tums (you never know when a tummy ache might strike!), pain killer, lotion, sunscreen, antibacterial soap, Neosporin and bandages in different shapes and sizes. This survival kit is placed in a small makeup bag so that it is easy to transport with us. When we are on road trips we need it in the car, if we were to take a plane or some other type of travel it would be easy to place this kit in our suitcase to bring with us.
When we travel we know we will be with at least our three kids, but chances are we will be with family and so there will be cousin too. For this reason, we know we need durable, waterproof bandages so the kids can still have fun, but have their cuts and scrapes covered.
3M Nexcare waterproof bandages are just the bandage I need to keep my kids playing even after their cuts and scrapes. Check out this brave Nana who was willing to test the bandagess for us.
What types of things are in your survival kits?