This post is sponsored by Country Crock but contains my own opinions.

My daughter is 9 so she should be learning about baking, ingredients, how to pair foods, measuring amounts gather ingredients and putting things away, clean up after baking. She will eventually move away from home so this is a great way to teach her life skills while bonding over the oven. My husband will usually join us and help out (you know that whole thing about the Little Red Hen, you help or your don’t eat? That’s why he helps!) but my young sons usually are off playing somewhere else. This has become such a fun way to spend our Sunday evenings together. It’s obvious that good things happen when we bake together.

With the help of a friendly grocery store, Country Crock was able to share with unsuspecting families the good that happens, when we bake. All that was needed were a few colored pencils, the modern magic of a 3D printer, and the reminder that watching a child’s imagination come to life is one of the special joys of baking together. Don’t miss the original film in the #WhenWeBake series at
They also sent me this incredible basket of goodies to help me bake with my family. Included in the basket is:
- mixing bowls
- dish towels
- hot pad
- apron
- rolling pin
- measure cups
- FREE Country Crock ® product coupon
- 3 kinds of sprinkles
- cookie cutter, including a custom 3-D printed letter ‘M’ I designed!
Are you passionate about family baking together? Join the conversation with the hashtag #WhenWeBake and get social Country Crock ® on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.
Giveaway Time

Giveaway will run from 12 noon April 22 through 12 noon April 27. Comment below and good luck!
Jennifer Church says
I always remember cooking with my dad growing up as a kid. We loved to bake together. Now, he’s spending the same quality time with my sons, teaching them to cook. My favorite picture I have is of my dad with a grin from ear to ear baking cookies with my 4 year old. Such a proud papa!!
David says
When I was a kid we would go to our grandmothers house every Sunday for dinner. We would always “help” her in the kitchen, which was mostly just snacking on the ingredients. I can remember her constantly getting onto us for being rowdy because we were “going to make the rolls fall”, which were always rising on the table when we arrived. #WhenWeBake
amy guillaume linderman says
one of my favorite memories is of my grandmother having me sleep over at her house…….the whole weekend would always be full of her handmade foods and treats. she made the best Spritz cookies….she taught me how to use her old cookie press, which i now have. i use her recipe every Christmas, but something always seems to be missing….i don’t think anyone can make cookies like hers
Cindy Pouncey says
Me and my kids always make Banana Pudding together. They always layer the bananas and the vanilla wafers. We make it every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is a great memory because I did the same thing with my Mom and Grandmother.
heather s says
We bake together as a family at the holidays. We make cookies to give to neighbors and friends. It is fun and makes people happy.
McKim says
When my kids were growing up we always ate dinner together. We usually had at least one extra kid at the table if not a lot more. It was funny how they all seemed to show up around supper time!
Betty N says
I loved baking with my Grandma when I was a kid. She taught me so much and I truly miss those times. #WhenWeBake
Peggy Johnson says
My favorite baking memory is when my 3 yr old daughter made cookies for the first time. We both had a wonderful time of making cookies and memories.
Denise S says
My mother would let us pick a new fancy dessert recipe from a book every week and make it. We loved that as kids. #WhenWeBake
Shannon Baas says
I remember making brownies on cold, snowy days to eat after shoveling snow.
Rachee says
I love baking with my daughter. She had a dairy allergy so it was always difficult to find snacks. Baking allowed us to spend time together and to share something she could eat.
shirley says
I loved baking with my grandmother, on her wood cookstove. We would cook and she would share old stories. The baking would go on all day.
Tari Lawson says
My favorite baking together story is when my son and I made a gingerbread model of our home. It turned out great and he had fun decorating it with me.
al says
Angel Food Cake, nowhere as sticky or rubbery as the store-bought ones.
brittany doerfler says
My favorite eating together moment was back when my grandma was still alive, she’d invite the whole family over every sunday for a big home cooked breakfast of bacon, sausage, gravy , biscuits eggs and french toast. We’d sit around and reminisce on the olden days.
deana says
My best family time baking story is baking hand shaped cookie ornaments for our Christmas tree. The kids loved it!
Mary Clarke says
I used to love going over my grandmother’s house. We would spend hours in her kitchen while she cooked. She never used a recipe when she cooked, even though she had tons of cookbooks. She made everything from scratch and she also had lovely china to serve her meals on. I used to ask her what the ingredients were for some of my favorite dishes, and her answer was always the same “a pinch of this and a dash of that”.
Linda Stewart says
A couple of years ago on Thanksgiving my three grandsons, ages 2, 4, & 6 were on the verge of driving me totally and completely insane. It was Wednesday night before Thanksgiving and it was my year to host dinner. I had my menu planned and more cooking to do than I cared about actually doing. The boys wanted to help and I honestly wasn’t feeling it … I just wanted everyone out of my kitchen, i wanted peace, quiet, and time to work alone. I got louder than I should have and yelled for everyone to leave my kitchen immediately and to leave me to my tasks at hand. All three of the boys dropped their little heads and slowly started to leave the kitchen. My heart regretted immediately what I had done. I stopped what I was working on and walked out of the kitchen myself. I went to the living room and sat down with them. Totally forgot about the preparing that needed to be done for Thanksgiving dinner. We just sat together quietly at first then slowly conversation started. The oldest told me he was sorry I was upset with them. The middle said he was sorry he wanted to help … I’m sure you see where this is going … they felt guilty because I had allowed myself to become overwhelmed with what needed to be done and failed to make time for them. It was in that moment I realized it was the perfect time for all of us to learn a lesson. I needed to learn patience and they needed to learn how to cook 🙂 We had a brief discussion about what all needed to be done and how they could help … but also what is required to work in “Nanny’s Kitchen”. Next thing I knew were are singing and having a ball. Each of them decided exactly what they wanted to do based on what kitchen utensils were being used. Amazingly neither of them wanted to do the same thing. The oldest made pumpkin pies. I help measure everything out, but the mixing and pouring into the pie crusts was all his doing. The 4yo wanted to help make the stuffing and stuff the turkey because he could work with his hands. We had stuffing ALL OVER the place but it was worth every minute to see the thrill and excitement on his little face as he stuffed all the dressing into the turkey. The 2yo wanted to make the rolls. 🙂 Seeing that little boy with the biggest, flour covered smile was the highlight of my night. They were super excited to tell everyone the next day how they had helped in “Nanny’s Kitchen” and how they made Thanksgiving dinner with love. #WhenWeBake
Deborah Wellenstein says
I remember the first time I made chocolate chip cookies. I think I was round 10. It took HOURS, and I made a huge mess, but they tasted great!
Wehaf says
I always loved making Christmas cookies as a kid – the whole family did it together, and each kid had his/her own cookie sheet to fill. Rolling, cutting, decorating – it was all good, but the best was eating. 🙂
Darlene Carbajal says
My little sister and I love to bake during the holidays. We bake cupcakes!
jessica edwards says
The first time baking with my daughter.
Tarah says
Sometimes in the mornings, I will bake fresh muffins for my boys to eat for breakfast. I love if they wake up a bit early & pull up a stool to help me mix everything together. It’s a nice calm before the storm of getting everyone dressed & out the door on time.
Angelica says
My favourite baking memory is probably the summer’s when we’d visit my grandparent’s. We’d go hiking and pick every kind of wild berry we could find, buckets full, and make pies and jams when we got home. They had a community center they volunteered at and every once in a while they would have a bingo night and a pie baking competition. I cherish those memories now that they’re gone and to this day I haven’t been able to replicate my grandma’s pie crust!
Sharon says
My best kitchen memory growing up was spending hours at the kitchen table with my mom and siblings in the fall, cracking and shelling the hundreds of pounds of pecans we’d picked from our trees. We’d bag and freeze them for the year, and use many of them in our holiday baking. #WhenWeBake
chris z says
my favorite baking memories are baking for the holidays
Kelly D says
My favorite baking memory is when my daughter and I baked a Birthday cake for my mom.
brenda white says
every year Christmas time my mom would bake lots of goodies, she put them up away from our hands but every evening we were allowed to have a treat. I have her recipes but somehow it never tastes the same as her baking.
Racquelle says
I used to love baking cookies with my grandma, each kid got to pick a kind of cookie. That was our bonding time.
Robin says
I remember making chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies from scratch during the holidays with my mom.
Jennifer W says
My toddler helped make pancakes a few weeks back. It was his first time helping in the kitchen and it still makes me smile just thinking about it! 🙂
Aaron says
There are no good family memories ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Allison S. says
My sister and I have a lot of baking traditions. It’s a good bonding time for us.
Brittney House says
My mother and I like to have baking competitions and have our family members try out our experiments.
Ashley C says
When I was a kid my mom and I used to bake treats for all our friends/family/neighbors at Christmas time. I cherish that time we spent together baking!
Linda Lansford says
Mom and I made Christmas cookies together for years
Marci Wright says
Making Christmas cookies with my mom every year – now I make them with my son. The decorating is his favorite part! The first year he helped me, he was 2 & he had frosting everywhere but he had so much fun. I will never forget that. 🙂
amanda rauch says
I used to love helping my mom in the kitchen on thanksgiving. i dont know how much real help i was but it always made me feel special!
Jill H says
Making Spritz Christmas cookies when I was a kid & decorating them with sprinkles
joni says
My best memory is when my mom would make homemade spaghetti noodles. She would be cranking them out and us kids would be hanging them over chairs, tables, and everywhere we could find a spot for them to dry out.
Erica B. says
We like baking cookies together.
latanya says
I love baking and cooking with my family during Thanksgiving. We always have a great time retelling stories from the past, joking, laughing, and teaching the younger kids how to cook. #WhenWeBake
liz l says
Easter, as a child making flan with my mom. Im a diabetic so I never got to taste while making and she always told me it had to be perfect since I was making it
Shay says
I grew up learning how to bake from my grandmother. She is still one of the best bakers/cooks I know.
Carolyn Daley says
One of my favorite memories was baking with my grandma. My grandma and I made a special flower cake for my mom’s birthday by dying white frosting different colors for the flower petals.
MMW says
My kids and I love to spend afternoons baking up all kinds of treats. It is great bonding time!
Carolyn G says
We love baking our great grandmothers shortbread cake.
Theresa Smith says
I remember when my granddaughter was only about a year and a half and we were making chocolate chip cookies. I had her sitting on the table and she was trying to stir the batter. She was so cute. She is 5 now and still loves to make chocolate chip cookies with grandma.
vera wilson says
Loved baking with the children. Especially cookies they can help decorate.
bn100 says
cooking with mom
Kendra Warstler says
My favorite memory comes from baking cookies with my mother every Christmas. We bake cookies and candies of all kinds and package them up to give them to neighbors and those in need. The best part is now my children and nieces and nephews enjoy it as well.
Lisa V. says
When my daughter was younger, she would go to my mom’s house where they prepared Thanksgiving dinner together. My daughter had so much fun making individual place settings at the table for each person.
Bee Bee says
Making gnocci with my great grandma every Sunday!
Stephanie Larison says
I have great memories of baking Christmas cookies with my mom every year. I’m carrying on the tradition with my girls now. 🙂
Rebecca Lock says
I love spending Saturdays in December having baking days with my daughter.
Birdiebee says
My favorite family baking memory is making Christmas sugar cookies with my children every year. I now do it with my grandchildren to continue the memories.
Susan Smith says
My favorite baking memory is baking pies with Grandma for Thanksgiving.
Samantha says
Mine would be baking some pies with my husband! It’s nice to use our CSA fruits to bake!
Laurie Emerson says
I used to love to bake with my grandmother when I was a little girl. She lived in Maine and had a old wood stove. I loved the smell of wood burning mixed with the smell of either homemade bread or chocolate chip cookies. The whole house smelled like food and love.
Shay T says
I remember baking in the kitchen with my mother and older sister during Christmas. My mother would make a ton of desserts to give away and we helped or hindered her depending on how you look at it. It was a lot of fun for me and is probably what inspired my love of baking.
Mary Cloud says
I always remember cooking with my Grandma – she’s let me mix the cake batter or when she was making dumplings I got to help her roll them out and cut them then was the long wait to drop them in the broth.
Breanne says
My favorite memory is baking sugar cookies with my grandma.
Peggy Rydzewski says
My 3 year old grand daughter just started liking to help. She is so cute when she pulls her stool over and asks to help.
Sand says
Every year, my mom hosts a high thanksgiving lunch where she goes all out and makes just about everything,
Beverly Metcalf says
I love to bake. I use to help my mom when I was a kid do the baking and I got the love of baking from her. She was always baking something good for dinner, like cakes, pies or donuts. Thanks for having this contest!
Kim Cameron says
My first and favorite baking together memory is baking with my grandma. Growing up I spent literally every weekend at my grandmas house. It was such a treat that I actually got to bake/cook anything over there. At my house my mother would never let me near the kitchen but at my grandmas, she would let me take over. But she was always beside me to guide me in he right direction. My first baking was boxed cake mix with store bought icing. It was the yellow cake with the sprinkles in the cake and in the white icing. Gosh I wish could go back and be a fly on the wall to hear some of our conversations.
laurie murley says
my mom and I use to bake all the time when I was younger, we had curtain cookies we would make, and I learned a lot from here about cooking and baking from her. i’ll never forget all the times we cooked togeather and all the good times we had together
Stephanie Galbraith says
My favorite time baking together with my family is when we made peppermint cheesecakes.
Annette says
Every year during blackberry season, my neighbor and I would pick buckets and buckets of berries; were around 9 or 10 years old. Then my mother would help us make pies. We did all the mixing, but mom rolled out the dough. Those were the best pies and I still remember it like it was yesterday. Oh and we’re still good friends almost 40 years later.
Ashley says
My mom and I have a tradition since I was 8 years old every year to bake a ton of baked goods and enter them in a local fair, and we still continue this tradition 16 years later! #WhenWeBake
Brian E. says
Thank You for the giveaway…we have an extended family get-together a few weekends before Christmas each year for a Xmas Cookie bake-a-thon: we get all the kids to help bake & decorate cookies using family recipes.
cynthia Dawson says
My memory I have I my brothers and I decorating cookies at all the holidays! My mother always had us do this at Easter and Christmas!
Ashley S says
I loved to bake with my grandmother as I child. We used to bake cookies and cakes. My favorite cake to bake with her was carrot cake, she made the best carrot cake! I would shred the carrots and she would let me stir. I sure miss those days 🙂
rochelle haynes says
I remember cooking Thanksgiving dinner with my mom she has passed on
this will be a memory that i will keep forever in my heart
Julee says
#WhenWeBake it’s a time to celebrate family. Most of our recipes have been handed down through generations. It’s a great time to share with my daughters how many hands have made the bread recipe we make (they are the 10th generation)…we talk about what it must have been like over hot coals, without the tools we have. When we make cookies, we are flooded with memories of the same sugar cookie recipe that my mom made for me when I was little, that her mother made for her. My girls love being in the kitchen to hear the stories, to share in the process and to celebrate the love that comes out of the oven and on to the table.
james jenkins says
I remember the first Thanksgiving dinner that I prepared after years when my mother could no longer prepare one. I had a new convection/toaster oven and substituted a turkey roll for a bird; I also baked some potatoes and cheesey-vegetables. Tastes great 33 years later.