I’m a huge fan of Groupon. I recently bought one for my husband and I to take a Segway Tour of Kansas City. I also found a great deal on a class for my husband to help improve his skills at work and will help him be more marketable in the future. The variety of Groupons available is so amazing.

I love that I can shop for coupons and offers from my favorite stores. I already know the stores I plan to shop at during the week so I can check the Groupon Coupons section to make sure I’m saving as much money as I can when I visit these retailers. They also list in store and online offers. I’ve found several offers I can use during my errands to Target and Walmart.
So how do you use the coupons? Well, as I was browsing some of the popular deals I came across as offer for Sherries Berries. Since chocolate covered strawberries always have a place in my life, I clicked on the coupon to see the details. I could then click to “activate” it. Since Sherries Berries is something you would order online, once activated I could shop directly on Sherries Berries site, put the items in my cart per the deal and the coupon automatically discounted the purchase! It was simple to use!

Seriously Groupon can discount your entire life! It’s pretty awesome. So download the app, or check it out on your computer, because there is money to be saved and deals to claim. Happy Shopping!
Goair Flight says
Very nice one.
Goair Flight says
very nice blog
Goair Flight says
very nice blog