I was provided an all expense paid trip to attend the Ratchet & Clank press conference in Los Angeles. All opinions are my own.

During that trip we were able to screen Ratchet & Clank. I was a little nervous about screening the movie because I knew that this was a video game from a few years back that I didn’t know anything about. Since I wasn’t familiar with the game would I understand the movie? Would I be able to follow the plot? Would I be completely lost without any Ratchet & Clank knowledge? A resounding NO to all of those questions.
Not being familiar at all with the characters or storyline didn’t matter. Ratchet & Clank take the new user (me) and introduce the characters and plot simply. No prior knowledge was needed and I thoroughly enjoyed the film.
Here are the things I LOVED about Ratchet & Clank:
- 100% CLEAN! I LOVE this so much. Ratchet & Clank was made for the audience that consumes it’s products (10 year old kids, on average) and so the movie is completely clean. They didn’t try to sneak in any innuendoes or subtle adult humor. It is completely appropriate for any age without question. (I must include the tagline “Kick Some Asteroid” is the only adult innuendo you will get from this film and I don’t think it’s even said in the movie.)
- Funny, without taking it to any kind of adult level the movie is so funny. I especially loved all the “bloggy” references made throughout, since I’m a blogger.
- The many, many messages throughout the film are things I want my kids to learn and take away. It’s all about unexpected heroes, cheering for the little guy, having heart to solve problems and conquer situations. It’s very uplifting and encouraging.
- New characters to love. Now I feel like I know Ratchet & Clank and the rest of the Ranger crew. I want to continue to know them by playing their new video game (and it would be cool to find someone with the old game so I could play it).

Qwark, Ratchet, Clank, Cora and Brax pointing their gun’s. Image courtesy of Focus Features.
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