It seems every year we take at least one road trip. Whether it’s just a few hours or a road trip spanning many days, I need to plan on several activities to entertain my kids. I have been trying to think of a lot of different types of activities to keep my kids busy and happy in the car. We will be taking our Leap Readers, tablets, portable DVD players, a couple of favorite toys and lots of snacks. When I was growing up I remember singing a variety of weird travel songs like “One bottle of pop, two bottles of pop, three bottles of pop, four…” Anyone else sing this song? No? On top of our funny road trip songs we would play the alphabet game and I Spy. Those oldies but goodies are still fun today!
I also really loved trying to find the license plates of all the different states. Since I wanted my kids to be involved I thought it best to create a printable so each of them could be in charge of marking off the states as we see them. This way we don’t have to remember what we’ve seen, no one will have to try and spell some of the states and everyone can have fun keeping track.

License Plate Bingo PDF (opens a PDF)
Simply click on the picture of the game or click the link and it’ll open a PDF so you can print the game full size. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do! If you want it to last for a while you can laminate it. We have a little laminator at home which is really handy! Let me know if you find all 50 states!
Need more activities for your travels. Now you can purchase my travel activity book here for $1.99.
Alison at NOVA Frugal Family says
Super excited to find this!! We leaving for vacation on Thursday morning so I am totally going to bring this for us to do together as a family. I hope that I can find the pouch so that we can use the dry erase markers on it so that we can use the same copy both ways but I printed two just in case so we have one for the way there and the way home 🙂
Stefanie says
Thanks for sharing this! I’m so happy this fun game will help your family on your upcoming trip! I also have some homemade lacing cards here:
MBC says
Don’t get too excited after a win or too frustrated after a loss,
as this can lead to impulsive decisions that could result in more
significant losses. You are having fun more than ever before.