Has your family wanted to camp for a while but you weren’t sure how to get started? Camping as a family is a very enriching activity that everyone will enjoy for many years to come. Now, let’s get started on the “how to” of camping as a family.
Make a List
Before you leave on a camping trip as a family, make a list. The last thing you want to do is have to turn around and head back home. Making a list helps you remember everything you need.
Prep the Family
If your family has never been on a camping trip before, now is a great time to prep them. Let them know what to expect and how it’s different from sleeping on a bed at night. Talk about the different activities that will be happening over the next few days. Talk about what will happen, but make sure you do it in a fun and upbeat way.
Know What to Expect
Many families’ head on camping trips not really knowing what to expect. If you can make a quick trip to the camp site to scope things out beforehand, this is a good move. Otherwise you can do research online, check out reviews, and make sure you’re familiar with the location of the campsite.
Have the Right Gear
Camping with kids is a lot different from just camping with a spouse. Packing all of the essentials is incredibly important. Don’t forget items like pillows, blankets, extra clothing, and even diapers if you have really little ones. O’ and it’s probably a good idea to not forget the tent or sleeping bags wither. Having the right gear is sure to make your camping experience a whole lot better.
Know How to Make a Campfire
Study up on how to make a campfire. There’s probably nothing more disappointing than getting to your campsite, trying to make a campfire, and it doesn’t work. Find a simple way to build a campfire that works for you and stick with it!
Stay Safe
Even though you may feel secure at a local campground, extra security is important. Lock up your car doors and put anything valuable away. It’s best to not even bring anything of extreme value with you because you don’t know what will happen in the meantime.
Camping can be a truly fun experience; you just need to be prepared. Follow these tips to ensure you and your family has a safe, but very fun experience.
What are some of your best tips for camping as a family?
MyCamperFriend.com says
Gr8 ideas. Thanks for sharing. Yep – prep and the right equipment is everything when it comes to camping! Took me years to perfect our checklist and I recently put that on my site to help other fellow campers. Stop by if you like. Camp more, worry less. 🙂