Attention Disney fans! Are you ready for one of the best giveaways ever! These two prizes are huge and perfect if you love Disney!
Are you ready for the happiest giveaway ever? My blogger friends and I have teamed up to bring you a fabulous Disney Giveaway this month. Two lucky winners will receive Disney gift cards that can be used on an upcoming Disney vacation, Disney Store purchase and more!
Prizes: $500 Disney Gift Card & $100 Disney Gift Card (can be used at Disney Theme Parks and Resort Hotels, on Disney Cruise Line, at Disney Store,, at and beyond)
Organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Co-hosts: This Mama Loves ♥ Food Folks and Fun ♥ Momma T and Family ♥ alex à la mode ♥ Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys ♥ Parenting In Northern Kentucky ♥ Barbara’s Beat ♥ Peanut Butter and Whine ♥ Jenns Blah Blah Blog ♥ StushiGal Style ♥ The Missing Niche ♥ Faithful Acres Books ♥ SmartySaver ♥ OC Deal Mama ♥ Stacy’s Savings ♥ A Purpose Driven Wife ♥ Mom In Love Forever
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Besides the mandatory blog comment entry, all other entries are optional. Giveaway ends 4/30 and is open worldwide.
Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join an awesome group of bloggers!
tanyab79 says
The sun making the snow melt made me happy today. Was quite the bad road conditions first thing this morning.
TamekaB says
My son telling me he loves me this morning!!
kj skib says
Watching my daughters totally love the children’s museum today.
Cindy Stewart says
my grandchildren and i love looking through their eyes when they experience things they have never seen or done before……….such a beautiful thing!
Cindy Stewart says
and my grandson telling me things that happens to him today and him saying thanks for being there for me!
Daniel G. says
Nice weather
Laura Wilson says
My daughter has told me every time that she needed to go potty!!!!!
Emily Roth says
Hanging out with my Mom
May says
I haven’t seen my brother in a long time and we had lunch today!
Lori C says
Hazelnut Macchiato in the morning 🙂
Melissa Watters says
My son made his schools golf team!
Judy W says
Enjoying a relaxing dinner with my husband after work.
Tram Le says
I’m happy to have met a new friend at my university today.
Alexia H. says
I had a flood in my basement but my insurance is taking care of everything.
Adrianna Holbrook says
Having a great conversation with my best friend!
Shecki @ Greatly Blessed says
I’m happy because I’m GOING to Disneyland with 2 of my kids next week! 😀
Sue O says
Twenty free Krispy Kreme donuts for my boys’ report cards and an unsolicited hug from my 12 year old. Not necessarily in that order….
Julie V says
Spending time with my boys as they are on spring break. We made bracelets together and made dinner. Then we played video games.
Dorothy Teel says
I think that I was happy because the sun is shining today and the wind has slowed down and we don’t have risk of severe weather here today and it is now 78 degrees here. HAPPY< HAPPY
Lee Broom says
I liked it when my daughter’s cousin gave her a gift…she was thrilled with it…a nice smelling coconut germ-x:) and I thought it was cute when my husband grabbed up the People magazine when I brought in the mail…he used to complain about my magazines, now he likes to read them.
Sandi Tymchuk says
I’m grateful to get my snow tires changed today.
Linda S. says
It’s two days before my wedding!
Kathie Craig says
Today is my youngest son’s birthday!! I just want him to have a good day.
Tyler F says
The Cherry Blossoms on the trees.
Rob Brown says
The sun was out
Rachael Bhardwaj says
That the weather was semi-decent.
maleficent m says
the book i ordered finally came in the mail today.
Irene C. says
I had some fabulous sushi from my favorite grocery store – Wegmans!
Rene says
Hearing my 13 month old play her sister’s kazoo – I did not know she could do that!
Anna says
Talking with my mom.
Natalie Brown says
Hi! I am happy today because I won a really fun toy for my grandson Mason who’s 1 1/2 years old!! Thank-you
Dawn Stubitsch says
What made me happy was my visit from my Daughter-in-law .She came over and we chatted while admiring her new little boy, my 10 week old grandson Sebastian and tonight my 8 year old grandson, Christian, is staying the night and in the morning we go to my studio and make STUFF!
Michelle says
Today my little one smiled and laughed and cooed the whole way through folding a basket of laundry. It made me very happy 🙂
Kelly says
Talking with my mom on the phone!
Anna says
I ate delicious cake.
Dawn K. says
I’m babysitting my grandson, and that makes me super happy!
Cory says
I loved being able to take a long walk outside with beautiful weather.
Renee G says
I was happy because the sun was shining.
Gina says
Walking my sons to school.
marie wallace says
My kids smiling faces makes my day, everyday!
sherrie says
my twins laughing and crawling… that always makes me happy…
Shantelle stately says
I have many things that have made my day today. The weather is wonderful and I am excited to be starting a new term in school.
Kristin S says
Listen to my daughter say new words for the first time today!
Gina says
The beautiful weather made me smile today!
Jessica Mills says
Going to exercise class tonight!
marina myers says
Waking up to my four year old in the best mood ever. 🙂
Alyssa says
My daughter makes me happy every day!
Rhonda Best says
My daughter finished a beautiful quilt she made for me this morning. I love it!
Megan C says
Having my 18 month old squeeze my face while cooing “my mommy” made me very happy today. 🙂
amanda whiltey says
my son gave me a kiss for no reason..that made me so happy
Cheryl Rahkonen says
The happiest moment of my day was when my little grandson hugged me and said, “I love you more than all the stars in the sky, Grandma.” Life can’t get any better than that.
amanda Whitley says
oops i spelt my own name wrong above- my son gave me a kiss for no reason..that made me so happy
Katie says
I had the day off work and don’t go back until Tuesday!
Megan C says
Watching cartoons in bed with my kiddos.
Shantelle stately says
My fiance telling me he took the day off work to spend in with me on my birthday! 🙂
Megan C says
Waking up and realizing there is coffee and chocolate in the house.
Rhonda Best says
Saw my kids.
amanda Whitley says
my 7 month old learning to say mamma finally, he’s been saying dada forever
Megan C says
Coffee made me happy.
Shane Gasnier says
I woke up and didn’t step on any hairballs on my way to the bathroom. lol
Rhonda Best says
Having all my family home.
Jo says
Playing with my daughter.
maleficent m says
watching the eclipse made me happy.
Megan C says
Taking a walk with my baby made me happy.
Kathryn C says
When I snuggled with my daughter’s on this rainy day watching a Tinkerbell movie 🙂 Huge Disney fans over here!
christina haddadin says
My giftcard from a contest coming in the mail.
Katrina B. says
My children and the fact that today is tax day which marks the end of this accountant’s busy season make me happy today!
Bethany Kreiter says
Talking to my co-workers!
Mona says
my coffee
Angela Haskins says
Booking a surprise weekend getaway for our wedding anniversary.
Cindy Stewart says
i got to talk to my g-don today and filed my taxes! yay
Cindy Stewart says
oops g-son!!!
jessica edwards says
Family time tonight.
Megan C says
Knowing I have cold pizza in the fridge for breakfast hahahaha.
Mona says
my hubby
Jennifer Dioguardo says
my daughters laugh
angela z says
unplanned lunch with hubsand.
Kristine says
My little girl waking up so smiley makes me so happy!
Debra Evanson says
Getting to have breakfast with my granddaughter!
lauren says
Seeing snow in April and taking a great walk
Mona says
my co workers
Megan C says
Another sunshine filled day in Tucson makes me happy.
april hulsey says
My 2 yr old granddaughter’s smiling face!
Shelly Suzuki says
I was happy to see that most of the snow has melted, and the tulips and daffodils still valiantly pushing through. Spring wil
l come!
Samantha Daleo says
Taking my dog for a walk and seeing all of the beautiful Spring colors starting to show.
Stephanie S says
This would be great to apply for our Disney vacation in December!
kastreet says
My living son 🙂
Courtney says
My two younger kids making an Easter egg hunt for my older son with their own candy. He will have a fun surprise when he gets home from school:)
Bethany Kreiter says
Seeing my favorite customers at work 🙂 Oh and getting my new iphone in the mail!
Kathryn C says
My youngest daughter stood up for the first time today!
Ashley says
Sunshine and my workout made me happy today
mona says
my dogs make me happy
Melissa Avey says
i got to sleep in!
Megan C says
Bacon made me happy. It’s a slow day.
wendi says
took my son to rec center to day to swim to see him smile made me smile! Great Day!
shannon b says
Waking up to my kids cleaning up their toys made me happy this morning. They are tidying up for the Easter bunny 🙂
mona says
I am thankful for my family
Megan C says
Today my happy was taking my three kids on an Easter egg hunt.
Megan C says
The beautiful sunrise made me happy today.
Bethany Kreiter says
One of my co-workers left me a HUGE chocolate bunny by my time clock to surprise me!
Megan C says
Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping made me happy today.
amanda Whitley says
sleeping in made me happy today
Bethany Kreiter says
Getting my new iphone activated!
amanda Whitley says
i woke up on time today, that made me happy
Bethany Kreiter says
I got to hang out with my sister and nephew!
Charlotte W says
My husband took me out for lunch and we ran errands together.
Ali Gilbert says
Working out today made me smile:)
Anna says
Eating a delicious meal
amanda Whitley says
i woke up to a cute message from my husband
Jody Arbogast says
My granddaughter she made me laugh, she’s 2 and she talks like she’s 4-5 years old. She cracks me up.
Sarah Cool says
my boyfriend made me happy today, with flowers 🙂 Very unexpected
Bethany Kreiter says
Ooogling super cute guys at work!
Ali Gilbert says
It’s almost Friday! 🙂
amanda Whitley says
i woke up on time so that made me happy
Charlotte W says
It finally stopped raining.
Allie says
Finding this giveaway is awesome!
Bethany Kreiter says
Seeing my nephew and getting good deals at Target!
TamekaB says
My boss was off today!
Bethany Kreiter says
Scanning items at walmart for shopkick! its so fun 🙂
Anna says
I have a day-off!
Debbi says
Random kiss from my 13 year old daughter. She is often too cool for that. 🙂
al says
A hug.
Teresa Moore says
I talked to my daughter a few minutes ago via the phone. She is at her dads this weekend.
Katie O. says
Drinking green tea with lemon while listening to Andy Grammer and entering giveaways.:)
Bethany Kreiter says
I got to pet my best friends really fat cat Chip!
Cheryl Rahkonen says
I woke up alive and well-which made me very happy. My internet is working again after all the storms-makes me very happy. I checked my garden and the peas and radishes are up-really excited about that. But what makes me happiest is that I have a wonderful husband to kiss good-bye as he goes to work and I have 8 beautiful children that I love more than I thought humanly possible and I also have 18 grandchildren that just melt my heart and that my world revolves around. I know that this is more than one thing but gee, everything makes me happy.
Shantelle stately says
I woke up feeling much better after being sick for days.
Bethany Kreiter says
Watching the season finale of Parks & Rec 🙂
Cecelia says
I had a rough day at work but my friends sent me snap chat pictures to cheer me up!
Maegan Morin says
OMG today I got two very very awesome sample boxes in the mail! It was like Christmas lol.
Anna says
I read an amazing story this morning.
Amy Stonger says
I was happy to find out that my children’s father got a job.
Bethany Kreiter says
Watching a movie with my dad!
H.E. DeLuna says
My cats wrestling always makes me smile.
Robyn B. says
My dogs waking me up with kisses.
Adriane says
Had a very rough start to the day… so i’ll go with being happy I have a kind friend who gave me a hug.
Laura Wilson says
My daughter took a nap today. It is a rare occasion these days, so it made me really happy!
Becky Corey says
Interacting with patients at work
al says
Bethany Kreiter says
Having father/daughter dinner with my pops at A&W!
liz l says
Dinner with my husband
thontiest says
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