It is common for pregnant women to develop swollen ankles and sore feet during their pregnancy as a result of water retention; you may notice that your feet and ankles seem larger than usual and swelling can sometimes be uncomfortable.
Many pregnant women find that they experience swelling towards the end of the day, especially if they have been standing for a long time that day. Swelling is not usually painful and it does not harm the baby, but it can be uncomfortable and it can also make wearing shoes and walking around more difficult. Here are some tips for caring for your feet and ankles during pregnancy:
Rest and put your feet up
It is important that you rest and take time to relax during your pregnancy; avoid standing for long periods of time, as this can case your feet to ache and increases the risk of swelling in the ankles and feet. Try sitting with your feet propped up on a cushion so that your legs are higher than your heart for at least an hour every day; this will help to improve your circulation.
Stick to comfortable shoes
It’s not hugely glamorous to spend your time in slippers, sandals or trainers, but wearing comfortable shoes will help to prevent you from suffering from sore feet. Avoid shoes that are tight and have straps that cut across your feet or ankles and any shoes that pinch your skin.
Foot exercises will do you the world of good and the good news is that they don’t take long and they don’t require hours of sweating and pushing yourself to your physical limits. Foot exercises are very simple and quick, but they will help to improve your circulation, reduce your risk of inflammation and prevent you from suffering from muscle cramps. Exercises include:
• raising the feet up and down (stretching the foot) 30 times
• rotating the ankles clockwise and anti-clockwise
In most cases, swelling is nothing to worry about, but it can sometimes be
symptomatic of pre-eclampsia, which can be very serious. If you experience very sudden swelling in your hands, feet or face, see your doctor urgently; other symptoms to look out for include headaches, pain underneath the ribs, sickness and problems with your vision.
Author Bio; Anna is an experienced writer and enjoys writing about dealing with pregnancy. She wrote this article for