With the holiday season comes festive music, gift-wrapping and unfortunately, stress. The practice of yoga is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. A common misconception about yoga is that the sole objective is to be extremely flexible and hold difficult poses. While yoga can be utilized as an exercise, the main focus is on breathing and meditation, which helps calm the mind and reenergize the body.
Yoga studios are the best way to learn these techniques, and many offer free classes for first time students. For the frugal yogi, there are also many videos available online for at-home practice. So take a moment during the frenzy of the holidays to slow down, breathe and recharge so you can make the season more enjoyable.
At the New Year I will be taking a course to become a certified yoga instructor. I have a chance to win free tuition ($2500) for this program, which is granted to the participant with the most YouTube views.
My husband and I created the video below. It describes my philosophies about yoga. I’d really appreciate if you could watch a time or two (or three or four). Then email it, tweet it, or post it on your blog or facebook page. The contest ends on December 31st.
I am posting this on behalf of my Sister in Law!! Thanks for watching the movie and sharing it with your friends!