#1. You can do this.
Oftentimes, it takes several times for children to be able to accomplish something. When they are not succeeding and they need a little boost, tell them this!
#2. You are doing an awesome job.
Instead of just saying “good job” tell your kid that they are doing an awesome job. Whether they are sweeping the floor or coloring, let them know they rock at it.
#3. I loved reading you a story the other night.
Our children LOVE being by us and doing things with us. When we acknowledge that in them, it builds confidence within them.
#4. Let’s have dinner together, just you and me.
You don’t have to be rich to enjoy a dinner with your child. Spend one on one time with your child and let them know you’re there for them.
#5. I love you.
We get so caught up in the day that we often forget to tell our children we love them. Don’t miss an opportunity to build up your child’s confidence by telling them you love them.
#6. Ask them about their day.
Be prepared to ask about your child’s day. And when they tell you about it, be prepared to listen. Nothing builds your child’s confidence more than knowing they have someone to listen to them.
#7. Would you like to play for a while?
How cool would it be if every parent put down their smartphones and actually played with their children for a while? You know—play ball, rode bikes together, even play video games together. Children need to feel like they are the only thing that matter, even if it’s only for a short period of time.
#8. I think that shirt looks awesome on you.
Some kids want to pick out their own clothing. While we my think it looks weird, they think it looks awesome. Build up their confidence by telling them that their clothing choices are nothing short of awesome!
Children need confidence to grow up and be successful. The world will beat them down enough, it’s our jobs as parents to build them up as much as possible!
Alicia Snow says
I think it’s so important to build confidence in kids. Sometimes it’s the littlest things that can reassure them, we just have to take the time. Thanks for the reminder and the great list of suggestions!
Emma Spellman says
I think all of these are very important and I do them all on a regular basis. #7 My husband and I definitely need to do more. My son cracks me up because I will say, “You look so handsome today!” and he will look at me and smile and say, “Yeah” like he knows already. haha
Felicita Moncada says
Aww I love this list and I am happy to see I do a lot of these with my kids. My son can be very sensitive so I really try to boost his spirits. He takes praise very well but can get his feelings hurt easily. My 3 year old daughter started ballet in September and it was a struggle in the beginning but now she is just blossoming so I encourage that by telling her how proud I am. Its so important for our kids to know we love and appreciate their efforts.
Amanda says
You have listed some really awesome conversation starters. I want my boys to be confident but not totally egotistical, so it is always a delicate balance of praise and appreciation. But then again, what mom can stop cuddling, kissing, and playing with her little guys?!?
Tammilee Tips says
I love this!! It can be so hard these days to help kids build up their confidence with everything they face at school and in the world. Spending one on one time with kids is so important!
Ashley says
What a great list. We don’t have kids yet, but I try to do a lot of these things with my nephews. Kids deserve it! Definitely going to keep this list around for when we see them again.
James says
I agree, it is important to build confidence in kids. When you are busy it can be easy to forget to do some of those things. That is why I like to keep at least one day a week scheduled for outdoors activities. We are pretty good about adhering to the schedule for the most part. I do think I should tell my son hes doing an awesome job more. His grades are coming up and hes been working really hard.
Maria says
I only have 1 child, but I love to spoil my son. He is the most important human to me in the world, and I never miss a chance to remind him of that!
Sicorra@NotNowMomsBusy says
We do not have any children, but I love your suggestions. I wish, as a kid, may parents had at least implemented a few of those. They make such a huge difference in a child\adults life.
Rally L.C. says
As you well said, it is so important to build our children’s confidence from a very young age. They are like sponges when it comes to interact with the world and need support from their closed ones. We don’t wanna build emotionally scarred people, we want what’s best for them, without turning them into brats.
Echo says
These are wonderful! It is so important to build our children up, so they in turn, can build up others. I have always tried to instill confidence and high self-esteem into my children! Thank you for sharing this great list!
Leo Tat says
Number 7 is important. If they don’t get some undivided attention, they would rather attract negative attention. Our primary school advocated ‘special time’, which is a a time you spend with your children to do what they want to do, every day. It doesn’t need to be long even 10 minutes would do. It does work to improve their behaviour.
Also what we do is instead of praising the result, we praise on their effort. So regardless of whether their result was good or disappointing, they can be proud of the effort they put into it.