Keep Your Eyes on the Road
If there’s one safety tip that makes complete since, it would be to keep your eyes on the road. No looking at your radio, messing with the buttons in your car, trying to talk on the phone, or anything else along those lines. Your eyes should always be on the road!
Make Sure Your Car is in Tip Top Shape
Before you decide to head out on any extended road trip, you should always have your car double checked for issues. Not to mention, you should always make sure your car is in tip top shape anyways. I would recommend making sure your car is equipped with the top of the line safety features such as back up cameras, parking sensors and more. TadiBrothers can help you get the safety features you want.
Practice Safe Driving
If you are not comfortable with your current driving experience, you can always drive with someone else until you feel more comfortable. There are also other ways you can practice safe driving. Wear your seatbelt, pay attention to stop signs, and so on. Practicing safe driving can help you avoid a car accident.
Know the Laws of the Road
It’s hard to be a safe driver and avoid car accidents if you’re not familiar with the laws of the road. Believe it or not, but some laws of the road change as you cross state lines. Know what’s going on before you head out, doing a little law of the road research never hurt anyone and could help you avoid a serious accident.
Get Familiar with Traffic Patterns
If you’ll be driving on a new-to-you-road, you will want to get familiar with the traffic patterns. Traffic patterns have to do with how slow or busy a road is at any given time. Even if you will be frequenting a road quite often, it only makes sense to understand the traffic patterns of the road.
Keep an Eye on Road Conditions
Always check the weather if you will be driving during the winter months. Road conditions can change in the blink of an eye, whether it’s winter or not.
Pay Attention to What’s Going On Around You
While you need to keep your eyes on the road, you should still know what’s going on around you. Is the car in front of you swerving? Is it raining too hard and do you need to stop? Paying attention to what is going on around you is so important while driving.
Limit Distractions as Much as Possible
If you can avoid it, only focus on the road, as I mentioned before. This goes out to the mom who has kids in the background, although they may be loud, try and focus on the road. Providing an activity book or snacks may help them stay entertain and be less distracting.
And it only makes common sense that everyone knows that accidents cannot always be prevented. If you find yourself with a wrecked car, consider selling it to junkcarmedics.com. However, if you can do your part to keep everyone safer, then you should.
John says
These tips are great, especially the ones about noticing what is going on around you. If another driver is being negligent and swerving due to whatever may be distracting them, it’s best to distance yourself from them as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing.
Hazel Owens says
I think it’s kind of ridiculous that you have to remind people to keep their eyes on the road. However, as you mentioned, there’s tons of potential distractions in your car, from the radio to phones to kids. However, if you look away from the road, you may not be able to stop in time if someone else is driving in a negligent manner, or you may end up being the person driving in a negligent manner. Thanks for the article, and stay safe out
Noel says
New driver here. I need all the tips that I can get. Thanks for sharing
Heather says
There can be a lot of distractions going on – both within the vehicle and on the roadways – when you’re driving, but if it’s big enough to potentially cause an accident, it’s best to just pull over when it’s safe. Thanks for these tips!
Blaine Tamayo says
No matter how slowly traffic is moving, keep at least two seconds of following distance between you and the car ahead of you. Any less and you won’t be able to stop in time if the driver in front of you slams on their brakes. Thanks for sharing.
rob wilson says
hi Stefanie
you point out some really good point. car accident occurred especially in winter season because of foggy weather we should take precaution to avoid road accident
Emery Ocampo says
You really pointed out the essential things that one must remember before and after driving. Thank you for sharing this, looking forward to your next post!
Revs Check says
Definitely important points! Summers are one of those season wherein I’m so worried about my car. Anyways, great read.
Adam Jerry says
Precaution really is better than a cure! Most of all the basic safety tips covered here. This article really helpful for the beginner in learning a car driving. My sister is learning to drive a car. I will share this article with her. Thanks for sharing the article.
Kathrin souzy says
On the youtube, I often see some funny accidental compilation.it’s look funny but actually in real life it doesn’t. from those mistake,s we can learn how to drive safely from those mistakes. actually a good dash cam safe you from those idiots who did mistake from behind.
Leslie Scott says
It is very helpful tips related to car accidents. thanks for sharing with us.
Kostas says
Great advice Stephanie, actually what makes the difference on the road is the basics, don’t drink, eyes on the road, don’t use the phone while driving and be calm
truckomotive says
road safety is must for everyone. thanks for this wonderful writing.
ELTEC says
Thanks for the reminder!
Shawn Carnes says
I always focus on this point ‘Practice Safe Driving’. We have to do a lot of practice before going to start driving on main road. Thank you for providing valuable tips.
Daniel jons says
thanks for your tips. your tips is a greats.
thanks for reminder sir…..!
i like your post.
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Thomas Harriman says
I loved your tips. I am planning on trips and very much excited about that. I will follow all your tips before and during the trip. So I will get out of a car accident. Cheers!!
Maria Kelley says
Also one should not use a mobile while driving. It should be kept aside and concentration should be on driving safely.
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Thanks for sharing this article really all the information was very helpful for me.
I am now waiting for your new one. I hope you will publish this is kind of helpful article for us.
ashu says
Your safety tips gives us good information and we will do these steps to avoid car accidents.
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Speedhut says
Traffic patterns are important indeed. When traveling in new places, my husband and I make sure that he drives with familiarity. Great tips you’ve got here, Stefanie.
Maria says
Hey Stefanie, great post !! Thanks for sharing these helpful tips. Safety while driving a car is important as a small accident can cost you a lot of bucks. Thus, it’s important to drive safely.
Bill James says
Thanks, being in limo business I can related with your suggestion. Thanks friend.
Dan Collins says
People should be a lot more responsible when driving. Just a second of checking your phone could already cause an accident and can cost someone elses’ life. How I hope all of them can read this post.
Fahd Saleh says
Safety should be first for everyone. Really wonderful post for every vehicle owner.
sarah says
maintaining the car’s condition is a very critical point. A car requires a lot of servicing and accessories that just does not aid it but adds to the overall security of the car. A dash cam for example can make a big difference if a car is said to be involved in an accident. It also enhances driving skills and lowers the cost of insurance! so it is important to invest on a suitable dash cam, especially for beginners.
Zoe Campos says
I agree with the part where you mentioned that the driver’s eyes should always be on the road. My friend had been a victim of distracted driving last week and he’s now in the hospital trying to get treatment for his injuries. I just hope he’ll be able to track down the responsible driver and hire a car accident lawyer that can make them responsible.
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