If you’re a mother, you know the joyful responsibility of raising a child to be a happy, healthy individual. There can be moments in which you wish for some quiet time, but that doesn’t change the fact that motherhood is one of the most rewarding occupations in the world.
When life bears down particularly hard, there’s no shame in wishing for time off. Everybody deserves to be pampered every now and then, and being a mom doesn’t mean you have to look as tired as you might feel. Here are some ideas for moms to stay young and energetic, even on the roughest days.
#1: It’s Okay to Use Makeup
With kids to chase around the house, it can be tempting to skip the eyeshadow and resign yourself to being the tail of your energetic three-year-old. When you pass on wearing makeup too often, it’s challenging to pick up the habit again.
Doll yourself up for the simplest of outings, even if you’re only going to the grocery store. Use your favorite colors and smile with that shade of red lipstick that makes you feel bold. Looking good does make a difference when you’re trying to stay sane raising children.
#2: Ask for Help
It might feel like a defeat to ask for a babysitter, or even invite a friend to lend a hand, but you’re only human. Some days, you might not have the energy to chase those little tots all over the place. With an extra set of eyes to make sure no mischief is made, you can catch up with your old buddies while getting the rest that you need. A job carried out by two people is always easier than if born by one alone!
#3: Find Time Off
We know, we know–if your children are very young, getting them to bed early enough for you to find quiet time can be difficult. Strike up a plan with Dad if you need to. Ask him to look after the kids for an hour or two while you immerse yourself in that book you’ve been trying to finish for weeks. He’ll enjoy himself making memories with his children, and you might finally learn the name of the villain in that whodunnit.
#4- It’s Okay to Keep Up with Fashion Trends
You don’t have to keep up with all of the expensive fashion magazines, but making an effort to pick colors that you like will prevent you from falling into the trap of Forever In Pajamas.
An occasional lazy day in your jammies is nothing to be ashamed of, but you’ll feel younger if you dig up that shade of green that accents your eyes; you’ll feel more energetic in that trendy lemon yellow sweater. Moms don’t have uniforms, and being in pajamas all the time won’t be good for your mental health!
#5: Take Care of Your Skin
When’s the last time you had a close look in the mirror? You’re beautiful, but we have to admit we feel better when our skin looks its best. When life is rough, our skin tends to suffer, developing freckles or becoming saggy. In the most extreme cases, you might need to visit a dermatologist to make sure everything is alright.
Look young and feel young by taking care of that rash, visiting your dermatologist for a checkup, or splurging for a little state-of-the-art skin resurfacing therapy such as a chemical peel or laser therapy.
#6: Sleep In Occasionally
Pass the torch to Dad on the weekends and allow yourself another hour of rest while he fixes the kids their breakfast. You work hard for your family’s well-being during the week; now it’s your turn to curl up under a wool blanket and finish reading that mystery novel. A happy ending is one of the surest things to keep anyone feeling young.
Most moms will agree that, despite the complications, motherhood is the greatest thing that ever happened to them. It can be rough, though; there’s nothing wrong with wanting to make sure you feel young and capable. We hope that these tips will help!