Each year I end up going trick-or-treating and we set out a bucket of candy on our porch. I’m not a big fan of this because who knows how long the bucket lasts and if everyone just takes a couple pieces or if the first kid to come along dumps the bucket and that’s that. Anyways, here we go with the internal battle today, but I have this darling craft to help make up my mind to leaving candy on the porch and joining my family on the candy trek.
DIY Jack-O-Lantern Candy Bucket

Orange, green, and yellow multi surface craft paint
(2) Foam paint brush
Small flat tipped paint brush
Paper plate
Candy for trick-or-treaters
1. Lay an old newspaper down before you begin
2. Squirt a tablespoon sized amount of each color paint onto your paper plate
3. Use a foam paint brush to paint the bottom half of your basket orange and let dry

4. Now use another foam paint brush to paint the top rim green and let dry
5. Then you can get creative and paint a Jack-o-lantern face onto the front of your basket, get creative your face can look silly or spooky

6. Once your basket is dry, it’s ready to be filled with candy to hand out to the trick-or-treaters
Isn’t this so cute? Even if you don’t leave it on your porch, it would be a cute bucket to take to the door when you hand out candy. I think it’s adorable. It’s a cheap craft that can be used year after year.

Amber says
Adorable and easy for us noncrafty people!
Marion says
Thank You for this DIY.
Laurie Emerson says
This s so adorable! I am going to make on this year!
Lauren Donley says
Super cute!
Shakeia Rieux says
That is too cute! I wouldn’t have thought about doing something like this, but I’m glad I came across this post it gives me an idea! I know my nieces would want to make this!