This post is sponsored by Word Addiction. All opinions are my own. Yours may differ.

School ended about a month ago and it seems like the last three months of school and now summer break don’t look very different. We’re still at home most of the time. I’m still asking them to read and do some math assignments, and the kids are grouchy. I don’t blame. There should be a huge difference between going to school and being on summer break.
Even though it’s summer I don’t want to let educational things slide. Luckily, Word Addiction is a fun way that my older kids can have some fun and sneak in some spelling and vocabulary while they are at it. Word Addiction is a fun app that reminds me of scrabble but with some really fun differences.

Instead of having a small limited number of letters to use, Word Addiction allows for many, so you can really get clever in your word planning. Another fun difference is the “Roll” feature that tells you how many letters you may use. This will foil an attempt at really long words to pull far ahead in score. You’ll have to be more clever in your use of the tiles. On one turn my daughter found a way to use her four tiles to create a few different words from previous words, earning her a huge score in that turn.

With different difficulty levels the game is great at adjusting for when younger kids are playing to when adults are playing.

Word Addiction will be a fun tool for us to use, especially this summer, to have some educational fun. This is also going to be great on road trips and an upcoming flight we have, as they can pass the phone from seat to seat. Download Word Addiction and get started today!