Traveling with an infant or a toddler is challenging, but having a few essential items can reduce some of the issues and make the process a little easier. Parents should keep a few essential items readily available before going on a trip.
Child-Friendly Luggage
When a child is a toddler, it is always about trying to do everything alone. By obtaining small, child-friendly luggage a toddler can drag through an airport or to a vehicle will help reduce the tantrums and allows a little flexibility for exploring independence.
Even an infant requires some type of toy or game while traveling. Although favorite toys will work, a travel game that is age appropriate will provide entertainment on the trip.
Music is a powerful tool for any toddler or infant. Relaxing or child-friendly music on a CD or playing on a music system will provide some relief from crying or tantrums on the trip.
Until infants and toddlers are fully potty trained, diapers are necessary. Even potty trained toddlers can have accidents while traveling, so packing a few diapers will help. If an infant is very young, then pack a large number of diapers to last until reaching a final destination.
Baby Wipes
Baby wipes are useful for cleaning sticky fingers or dirty bottoms. Carrying a pack in a diaper bag will make it easier to reach the destination without a large mess.
Baby Carrier
When traveling with an infant or young toddler, having a baby carrier is a great way to reduce the number of hassles. Traveling with a stroller is hard, especially on a plane. The baby carrier can cut back on the number of items and make it easier to move around.
Children do not follow the same food schedules as adults. They often need snacks between meals and eat small amounts of food at a time. Having a few snacks or on-the-go food items will make it easier to avoid tantrums caused by hunger.
Baby Blankets
A baby blanket is always useful on a trip, even if it is only a few hours. The blanket can provide comfort, especially when a baby is fussy or has a favorite blanket.
Stuffed Animals
A stuffed animal is a great comfort during a trip. Children can cuddle with the stuffed animal when feeling a little down or cranky.
Tablet or Laptop
Movies and videos are a great entertainment for children, even young infants. During travel, a tablet or laptop provides a convenient way to show a favorite movie or infant video that will help make the time move faster. Tablets are particularly useful since the batteries often last much longer and parents can load child-friendly games onto the same device.
Traveling with a baby is not always easy, but a few items can make the trip less difficult. By keeping a few essentials in an easily accessible location, it is easier to keep a child entertained throughout the trip.
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Beatrice West is a mother blogger who loves to give tips about baby caring based on her experience with her kids. Whether it’s using videos or their kid’s favorite cuddle buddy blanket, she will do anything to make traveling easier.