No matter how grown-up and savvy they may become, odds are you will always worry about your child’s safety. After all, it’s a big bad world out there. Thankfully, you do have tools at your disposal to make protecting your child—and teaching them how to keep themselves safe—much easier.
Here are just a few:
Parental Controls
When it comes to kids’ online safety, technology has given you the power to keep them safe even if you’re not around. With cell phones, you can utilize the parental control settings that come standard with it. With those settings, you can manage the type of content your child can access, set limits for how long they can be online, and stop them from making any unauthorized purchases.
Similar kinds of parental controls can be found on desktop computers, tablets and other electronic devices. If the standard settings that come on any of these devices don’t work for you, you can always invest in a third-party parental control app that can give you the controls you really want.
Videos & Games
Teaching your kids how to keep themselves safe on their own is definitely important. But if you just talk to your kids about safety, you can’t guarantee that what you’re telling them will really sink in. Your odds of success greatly improve, though, if you use a tool that kids really like. In this case, that tool is safety videos and games.
Many kids’ safety organization these days use cartoons, games and videos to get their particular safety message across. Why? It’s a time-tested fact that children love these kinds of media; they’re fun. As such, children are much more likely to pay attention and actually learn about things like cybersecurity, car safety, what to do in case of a fire, and much more.
Online People Searches
There are other online tools that you can use to help keep your kids safer in the real world. With online people search tools, you can look up other adults in your child’s sphere, like their friends’ parents, or that friendly new neighbor down the street. With such a search, you simply enter the person’s full name, city and state.
Once you’re sure you have found the right person, you have the option of accessing their public records to see if you can find out more about them, including any criminal records they may have, if they’re a sex offender, and other info. It’s just another technological tool that’s available to help you stay informed and get some added peace of mind when it comes to your child’s safety.
MySafetyNet says
This is really an informative article about online safety tips for kids, I like your idea about Parental Controls thanks for sharing this article with us.