I had recently received a few amazing products from Tiny Love. I absolutely adore these products. One of the products we received was the Discover the World Play Mat. What a terrific item! There are so many things I love about this design. First off I love maps- in fact we have a map of the United States in our play room. The fact that tiny love made the world their base for a baby play mat was indeed inspired. Not only do I love the colors and the cleverness about it but I love the conversations it provokes in our home. My 3 year old and 5 year old have both asked about the map. We have pointed out where family members live and where we live. We have talked about places they would recognize from movies or books. I love that Tiny Love made all the animals land in their own habitats. We talked about where you would find an Elephant, a Kangaroo or a Fox. I love that I can point out all the continents and talk about each one. I haven’t even begun to talk about how much my baby loves it because we all fell in love with it before he even woke up from his nap! We had kindof a special moment as I was taking pictures of him enjoying the play mat. He smiles and explored and ROLLED OVER FOR THE FIRST TIME! I was so glad I happened to be taking pictures when it happened so I have some documentation! Besides that very fun moment- He loved exploring the different textures on the mat. Not surprising to me his favorite item at this stage is the mirror. He loved cooing and smiling at himself. I love that there are toys hanging off the mat, flaps to flip, textures and crinkles and just so much color. I am sure he will continue to discover and favor different parts of the mat as he grows. It will be fun to see him progress through and around this wonderful toy!
The second toy we were able to get at our house was the flip cube. I love the wood animal theme to this cube. The characters are so adorable. I love that it buttons and flips. I love the mirror and the tiny cube that pops out of the middle. Our little guy loved holding on to the cube. He loved putting his mouth on the soft fabric and grabbing on to the different pieces and textures. I love that this toy has a high quality mirror as well. I can take this on the go and know I have a go to with my child’s favorite feature attached to it. There are flaps to open and close and animals that appear and disappear (playing peek-a-boo with you) as you flip the cube around and around.
I am in every way pleased with these two products. I don’t know how many tiny love products I own but I will say that they are now at the top of my list as far as baby toys go. They know their audience, they know developmental milestones and levels and they know how to make sturdy quality items for children and parents alike to enjoy over and over again.
You can find Tiny Love Products at Babies R Us, Amazon and other retailers.