One of my favorite things to find on pinterest is tips for making everyday living easier or better. I learned this bacon tip the other day on pinterest. To get nice, crisp, less fatty bacon bake it! Put it on a cookie sheet and stick it into a COLD oven. Turn on the over to 350 and bake for about 25 minutes. Starting the bacon in a cold oven allowsmore of the fat to cook off. Your cookie sheet will be totally gross after you bake it, but better the cookie sheet than your insides, right? I love … [Read more...]
The Proper Care and Disposal of Grease
I'm not referring to the movie, I am referring meat drippings. The other night as I was making dinner for my family, I was browning the ground beef I got out my trusty empty soup can and started spooning the grease into it. I started wondering if I was doing the right thing, or if there ever was a "right" way to dispose of the fat. So I googled "How to dispose of meat fat" and read several articles, forums and question/answer threads. Here is my conclusion (because I'm sure you are all on the … [Read more...]