In a world that is cruel and judgmental it’s important for kids to have solid role models that they can look up to. While some kids envy firefighters and doctors some look up to today’s superheroes. Yes, you read that correctly I said superheroes. Think about it, who’s typically criticized (even in a fictitious world) more than superheroes? They are judged by their looks, actions, and even their intentions. Looking closer at each of these three you will hopefully understand at the end of this post why having a superhero as your role model isn’t as crazy of an idea as you may think.
Physical Differences
When children grow up it’s not uncommon for girls to be taller than boys, kids to have big feet or for a young man’s voice to even squeak while talking. It happens to all of us at one point in time yet it’s a common reason to be picked on or teased. Superheroes such as The Hulk who sports green skin or the X-Men’s Beast who’s covered 100% with blue skin and fur truly are different. Every day they live their lives being stared at and ridiculed yet they continue to do what’s right. They fight for the “good guy” and genuinely do what’s best for the world. While they can be violent at times it’s not without being antagonized and pushed to the limits. In many instances you see these two individuals walk away from name calling and avoid unruly situations. This is a key takeaway that all role models should exhibit to young children. Most importantly it teaches them that being different is OK!
Super Powers
Superheroes are typically famous for their super powers. Some can lift cars above their heads while others can shoot laser beams out of their eyeballs. These powers are very unique to each superhero. This is relatable to every child’s skills and talents. Not everyone will become a rocket scientist or a pro sports player yet children get categorized as a “geek” for being smart or a “meat head” for being good at sports. Superheroes prove to young individuals that it is ok to have unique skills and to be different than the other children. It’s important that they continue to harness their skills and further invest in their interests. Everyone has “super powers” but how they use them and what they do with them is up to each individual.
Powers Are For Good Not Evil
Batman, Superman and The X-Men are just a very few good superheroes that use their differences and superpowers to make the world a better place. This in my book is the number one reason why certain superheroes can legitimately be deemed a worthwhile role model for children. Children are typically raised to believe in making the right choices and being an overall good person. With all the adversity and media advertising it’s pretty easy to see how a child could grow up to be a spiteful individual. Superheroes prove that despite being often ridiculed doing “what’s right” is still very important.
In a world where everyone is judged by their looks and talents it’s pretty hard to find a legitimate role model. With this generation growing up on Justin Beiber and the Jersey Shore cast it’s only getting harder to find someone who advocates being different and takes advantage of their unique talents. So while you may initially think twice before deciding if a superhero is an appropriate role model it just might not be that farfetched in comparison with this generation alternative options.
Nick is a writer for where they offer all sorts of unique superhero costumes ranging from Superman to Wonder Woman outfits which children enjoy dressing up as each Halloween.