When you’re traveling abroad it is always hard to keep in contact with your family and friends back home. You want to send them pictures of your adventures, hear their voice and tell them all about what you and your family have been up to. Which is why I’m going to give you three easy tips to stay connected.
Tell them All About your Trip
The easiest way to keep your family informed about your whereabouts and your activities is to simply give them a call. The only problem is that phone carriers charge extra for calling and texting internationally. If you want to talk to your family at least once a day, this can get very pricy. A smart and much cheaper alternative is having a prepaid phone with you on your trip. You can buy a prepaid SIM from a carrier that charges less fees for calling internationally and then easily buy credit online at Recharge.com. Recharge offers credit for more than 300 carriers in over 70 countries.
Show them your Experiences
A lot of public places have WiFi hotspots (depending on where you’re going of course). You can find WiFi hotspots in busy locations, for example: restaurants, bars, swimming pools, shopping malls and so on. These hotspots are often free, but there are still some hotspots where you’ll have to pay for an Internet connection (it won’t cost you a lot of money though). At these WiFi hotspots you can log onto your social media and share pictures and videos of your trip with your family and closest friends back home.
Write a Travel Blog
If you don’t have the opportunity to visit WiFi hotspots you can also go to an internet cafe once in awhile (if you didn’t take your laptop with you). It’s hard to connect to your loved ones all at once in just a short period of time, therefore you can write a blog post about all your adventures. This way your family can read all about what you have been doing and you won’t have to spend too much time trying to keep up with telling everyone everything. Just go to an internet cafe every few days and read what your family and friends had to say about your previous blog post and write a new one. An added bonus is that you’ll also have your own travel journal. You can read about your adventures and relive them when you’re back home.
These three options are great ways to keep in touch with your loved ones. Find out which one works for you when you go on your next trip!
Jen V. says
My son is heading to Germany on a school trip next June. We have been wondering how to keep in touch with him while he is gone without paying an arm and a leg. I will have to check out recharge.com and see if it would work for us.
Laurie says
I love to travel, and have had trouble at times keeping in touch. Thank you for sharing your tips, they are great!
Sofi leen says
I live in Germany, Dortmund and I love visiting the city and others around, each time I visit a new city I learn something new. God bless Germany and it’s people
Leen says
Excellent tips i love travailing and always keep in mind your tips thanks for sharing
Terrigal Restaurants says
My cousin always ask me to visit Germany.. so im doing my quick research.. thanks for sharing.. its informative!
Joyetic says
Well, Very informative & useful, help to stay in touch with family.
Matt says
I feel writing a Blog is the best option. Lots of scope to put in all information along with the pictures!