My kids are still pretty young so we keep our Halloween celebrations pretty simple and fun. All of my kids, boys and girl alike, love My Little Pony so celebrating the upcoming Halloween holiday by watching Spooktacular Pony Tales is perfect for us! Combine this movie with some fun Halloween accessories and there is a little party going on at my house!
With fun My Little Pony accessories like rings, a Halloween candy bucket, tattoos and more lots of fun can be had. Besides the Spooktacular Pony Tales we also received we also received My Little Pony Keys of Friendship movie. My kids are in My Little Pony Heaven for a while now!
Everypony loves Halloween… the candy, the pumpkins, the costumes, the friends! Join your favorite residents of Ponyville — Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and, of course, Spike — as they take on some of the spookiest adventures Equestria’s ever seen! Time to gather around and hold on tight, because these six exciting tales are a chillingly good romp.
There are several fun episodes on this movie
Boast Busters
Stare Master
Luna Eclipsed
Sleepless In Ponyville
Castle Mane-ia
As well as a bonus Sing Along!! Included in the Spooktacular Pony Tales DVD case is 2 pumpkin carving stencils and a movie poster. What a fun surprise!
Both DVDs are available in stores now, so pick up your copy and have some pony fun!