By: Kole for IuI Ontario. (The ideas and suggestions in this article are not my own. This is a guest post.)
It’s truly amazing if you get pregnant soon after you make a decision to have a child. For some people conception is not that simple. If you’ve been trying to conceive with no success don’t automatically assume that you’re infertile. Here are some reasons you just can’t conceive.
You’re not having enough sex
If you’re serious about getting pregnant you’ll need to have sex more than once a week. Your chances for conception will go up when you increase the number of times that you have sex. Evaluate the frequency of your sexual activities and take decided steps to increase it.
The timing of your intercourse is all wrong
Even the most fertile couples will not conceive if they’re trying to get pregnant at the wrong time in a woman’s cycle. Your timing needs to be right and this means having sex when the egg and the rest of your body are ready for fertilization. Calculate your days for ovulation or use a fertility monitor if you have problems tracking it.
You or your partner smoke or drink alcohol
Quit smoking and alcohol consumption if you’re trying to get pregnant. These habits lower your partner’s sperm count and reduce the chances of conceiving. Drinking more than 4 units of alcohol a week lowers your chances of getting pregnant by 33 percent so quit drinking and give your future baby the best chances of survival.
Your weight is not ideal
Being overweight or obese can significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Obesity for instance will interfere with the menstrual cycle so that it becomes irregular and unpredictable. Being underweight has similar effects and could affect conception because of insufficient energy to support pregnancy.
Your diet is not balanced
You don’t need to cut out all your favorite foods to have a balanced diet. You will need to ensure that your body is getting all the essential vitamins and minerals that it needs. Increase your consumption of whole grains and fish which are just some foods that are known to boost fertility.
You drink too much caffeine
The caffeine found in coffee and other caffeinated beverages will lower your partner’s sperm count and decrease the chances of conception. Caffeine also reduces the body’s ability to absorb iron which might lead to stillbirth. Limit your caffeine intake when you’re trying to get pregnant and even when you do in order to protect the health of your baby.
You have hormonal issues
Hormonal issues like those caused by an overactive thyroid can affect your chances of conception. If you do conceive you might have a miscarriage due to your body’s inability to support the pregnancy. Visit your physician to have a hormonal checkup done and to get the appropriate medication to stimulate ovulation and regulate your cycle.
Your age
As men and women age their fertility rate decreases. If you wait until you’re older to have a baby you might have a harder time trying to conceive. Plan early so that you are not faced with the challenges of having children when you’re older.
Your partner’s sperm count
Your chances of becoming pregnant will diminish of your partner has a low sperm count. Age and lifestyle are the two main contributors to low sperm count and in some cases sperm count can be increased with lifestyle changes.
Your tubes are blocked
In some cases pregnancy can be hampered by a blockage in your fallopian tubes which can prevent the egg from getting into the uterus for fertilization to take place. If this is the case a physician will be able to remove the obstruction with minor surgery. Another solution could be to use in vitro fertilization to bypass the blockage.
You’re stressed and anxious
It is almost impossible to conceive under stressful conditions. Work or family related stress or even trying too hard to conceive can be counterproductive to what you’re trying to achieve. Find ways to relieve stress like meditation, yoga or exercise and improve your chances of conception.
The suggestions above are just some reasons that you can’t conceive. Keep on trying and with some changes and effort you will increase your chances of success.
What changes have you made to improve your chances of getting pregnant?