I received product and compensation for this review. All opinions are completely my own, yours may differ.

Kids tend to play hard. My boys get so involved in their games they don’t notice how rough they are being on their clothes and shoes. In the past I have tried to get my children the cheapest option when it came to shoes. However, after having my 7 year old go through three pairs of shoes in a school year I decided it was time to go for a quality shoe that would last and stand up to his play. After searching the Road Runner Sports website for new shoes for my children, I found awesome, high quality shoes, in my budget, that will last.

Road Runner Sports (and Road Runner Kids) is an awesome website for all your shoe needs. With my partnership with them they have set up a special Coupon Code of MAKEAMOM17 to save 20% off at checkout!
Looking for more good deals? Join the VIP Family program where members save at least 10% on everything-all year, have 90 days to actually RUN in shoes & exchange if not perfect, PLUS enjoy free shipping, special sales AND MORE!
Whenever I got new shoes growing up my Dad would always ask if now I could run faster and jump higher. Now my kids are with Road Runner Sports!