We were given a couple complimentary passes for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

We planned to spend the whole day here as there are more than 100 hands on exhibits, as well as rides and other fun things included in the general admission ticket.

We ended up staying about 4 1/2 hours and still didn’t even do every single thing. It started getting a little busy (hazards of spring break trips everywhere) and so we headed out, but we had had our fill.
My advice for all future visitors would be this: Get there as soon as it opens. You will have a few hours of it being kind of slow before a ton of people show up. Next, go through the first floor and up to the second immediately. Upstairs is laser tag. With your ticket you get unlimited games. The line gets long, so go there first and play several games. Once it starts getting busy and the line grows, head back downstairs to the beginning and start the fun. We didn’t realize laser tag was at the end so when we got there we waited in line for a long time. Once our game was over the line had grown even bigger so we only played once. We would have gone straight there to do that several times in the beginning had we known because that was a couple people’s favorite activity in Wonderworks.
Wonderworks is a really fun place and worth the price of admission, so we recommend it! If you are heading to Pigeon Forge (or any of their other locations) soon, put this on your list of activities!
thontiest says
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