Disclosure: I received compensation for sharing information about this site. All experiences and opinions are my own.
There are plenty of websites available to play free online games. My favorite, however, is Pogo.com. I first discovered Pogo in December of 2001. I was in college and feeling stress from school. I happened upon this very fun site that offered free online games. In between studying or when I needed a break I would play on Pogo. Some of my favorites then included Poppit and some of the card games. Since that time I have watch Pogo evolve to be a very popular and very fun site with millions of members. Their list of games has rapidly grown! They have TONS of games in lots of categories. Their categories include:
- Puzzle
- Card
- Board
- Word
- Hidden Object
- Bingo
- Casino
- Slots
- Cash
- AND Club Pogo which is a Subscription Service
Check out these fun benefits from your FREE Pogo membership. With over 100+ online games you are sure to find something you will LOVE.
Now that Pogo offers a subscription service called Club Pogo not all of the games are free. Since they do have such a HUGE variety of games there are plenty that are free, and 44 that are exclusive to Club Pogo.
I have been a member of Club Pogo off and on for a total of 3 years out of the past several years of playing. I LOVE a lot of the exclusive games so sometimes in the past when they have offered a sale on the Club Pogo membership I have bought a year. Club Pogo costs$5.99 per month, $14.99 for 3 months and $39.99 for a year subscription. Check out the benefits from a Club Pogo membership:
Notice they also have a pogo app. That app offers a couple of the fun games you will love from the main website. It is fun to break that out and play whenever I have a moment.
I think Club Pogo is super fun because as part of the membership there are daily goals to meet. The site decides which games you should play and what goals within the games you can play to earn an extra bonus. For example, Pop 100 Red Balloons in Poppit and earn an extra 1,000 coins. Every day there are goals like that to get you extra coins. Coins can be used to buy items for your Avatar. There are backgrounds, outfits, props and other fun things to buy with your coins.
Another favorite aspect of Club Pogo is earning badges. Along with the daily goals they also offer weekly badges. They have a couple games for you to play and each each you can also choose some past games you didn’t complete to play, and the goal that you should meet while playing the game. Once you meet that goal you will win a badge and some extra coins. It is fun to collect the badges. Here is the list of my favorite Club Pogo exclusive games:
Club Pogo would make an excellent gift for someone you know that loves to play games and has time to spend online. One year my Mom gave me a Club Pogo membership because she knew how much I loved the site. Check out the Club Pogo website and consider giving the gift of games this holiday season!
Be sure to check back here on November 29 for a giveaway including a YEAR subscription to Club Pogo!