Are you a mum who for one reason or another stays at home? Are you operating on a very tight budget and would wish to make some substantial amount of cash at the comfort of your house? Then worry not as there are a number of ways you can make loads of cash without necessarily being employed. Sometimes with proper motivation and aggressiveness it is very possible for home stay mothers to make more cash than their employed counterparts. The following is a list of the top five money making schemes that mothers staying at home can use to make extra money.
Nowadays it is very possible to freelance on almost anything. This is a very good way of making money especially for those mothers with a passion for writing. Writing online articles is one of the top freelancing jobs. A good number of sites are available where you can write and submit a articles at a small fee. It is also possible to open and run a blog about a particular niche that interests. If you come up with a blog that attracts a lot of traffic, you can get cash from adverts placed in your blog. The hardest part of blogging is maintaining the blog especially for amateur bloggers due to lack of content to update the blog. Some home sitting mothers are writing eBooks and marketing them online.
Open a day care center:
This is a very profitable business especially if you love baby sitting with kids and you have ample space in your house or compound. With a few more furniture and toys a simple day care center should be up and running. You can contact your neighbors and inform them that you are offering this service at a small fee. A good number of the working class mothers would welcome any idea of having their children in a day care center within proximity where they can easily pick them up without any hustles. In this type of business it is very important that you have the child support contact number in case of any problems problems that may arise.
Online marketing:
Online marketing is becoming very popular by the day. A lot of companies are recruiting online marketers to market their products online. Just like the normal salesperson, online marketers market products and services from these companies via the internet. They are then payed on a commission basis by the company upon sale of a particular product or service. This is among the easiest jobs that mothers staying at home can do. The only requirement in this type of job is an internet connectivity and some commitment.
Utilize your hobbies:
As a home staying mother who is so good at cake making, cake decorations and such, it is very possible to make money out of these activities which you may see as your hobbies. You can make an sell them to your neighbors. you can also offer your cake decoration services at occasions that may demand your services. A lot of neighbors will appreciate this as cake making and decoration is an art that is not among their abilities. If you are good in sewing , you can also make good money from that by selling some of your products.
Open a pet business:
Almost every home nowadays has a pet. The demand for pet services is increasing by the day. Some of the pet services a mother staying at home can offer include pet sitting, pet grooming and pet care among others. When pet owners are away, they can leave their pets with you at a fee. This is a very enjoyable business especially for mothers with a passion for animals.
Sophie Samuel is a blogger from London in UK. She loves kids and therefore loves to write articles related to children. As a single mother, she took up writing as her profession to meet the educational expenses of her kids and the family. She says that child support agency has helped her much in upbringing her kids and she recommends the same to any single parent looking for guidance. For any guidance during emergency situations regarding her children, she calls in the child support contact number for assistance.
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