This post is sponsored by Poise® but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

With Motherhood comes a whole host of changes to everything, especially a woman’s body. After carrying four babies to term my body isn’t the same as it was. When I was pregnant with my fourth child I had a particular embarrassing experience at home. I tend to get really sick when I’m pregnant and throw up for several months. There was one particular day that I was having an especially rough time and I just couldn’t break through the nausea. During one visit to the toilet I found myself kneeling over the toilet vomiting and before I could stop it, I wet my pants at the same time. My husband was with me in the bathroom trying to be a support and I started crying while vomiting. He asked what was wrong and I told him I had just wet my pants. He was kind and didn’t laugh. He helped me get cleaned up and washed off . At the time I was embarrassed and just felt awful. Now two years later it’s a funny story. I could have saved the mess by just consistently wearing Poise® Pads, especially during my pregnancy.

If buying these products are a sensitive thing for you, the Walmart Grocery pick up is an awesome option to keep the purchase discreet. We love to utilize this service and rarely go in store anymore. You don’t even have to get out of your car, just pop the trunk and the Walmart employees will load up your items.

Though my LBL ma be here to stay, having embarrassing moments because of it are a thing of the past! Thanks Poise.