Here is my supply list:
- Styrofoam plates and bowls
- Foam paint brush
- straight pins
- Toothpicks
- several colors of glitter
- glue (I used mod podge)
- plastic Easter eggs of varied colors
- spray mod podge acrylic sealer (this is a good investment because we will be doing several crafts using this!)
- Glitter tools (optional, but REALLY helped me and save me time! Only $3.12 on Amazon.com)

In the beginning I was painting glue on half the egg and sprinkling it with glitter, letting it dry and doing the other half. That was taking way too long and I didn’t have the patience to let it really dry. so I started getting messy. I painted the whole egg (yes I got gluey) and then would spoon the glitter over the top of it (yes I got glittery) but it sped up the whole process.

Overall this was a pretty simple craft, but very time consuming. Wait for the glue to dry and the mod podge spray to dry took some time, but while you wait you can be playing with kids, cleaning, sleep or whatever you need to get done. I LOVE the finished product and think it looks darling on my table!