When we were introducing my baby to food several months ago I was worried about what she would think of it. I hoped she wouldn’t be picky about the things she liked. My fears melted away after giving her a few different things. Turns out my baby loves to eat. She loves basically any food we give her. She really enjoys fruits and vegetables and I’m determined to keep her that way. I love that with GERBER® 2nd Foods® the baby food is thick and textured just like homemade baby food.

With a couple older siblings who don’t love fruits and vegetables as much as my baby, I’m making sure I take daily steps to ensure her love of these nutritious foods. I make a conscious effort to make sure every day she is getting the proper servings of fruits and vegetables. I also make an effort to introduce her to new fruits and vegetables she maybe hasn’t tried yet. I want her love of food to be centered on these healthy foods.

Before you run to the store to get some GERBER baby food be sure to grab your coupon here. Save money while providing delicious, homemade tasting food.

Shakeia Rieux says
Gerber is the best brand. My sister would only buy this brand for her kids
Lindsay Fairbrother-Henige says
So much quicker than making your own, lol!
Dynamic Solution of Daily Problem says
This article is very helpful I hope parents find things what they searching. Language of this is one also easy to read. Know more about Healthier Food of Baby plz. Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljcmwP5eQeQ
Alicia Francis says
OMG! Thanks a lot Stefanie for sharing such an informative article about Homemade Baby Food Purees. I have read your valuable page and gotten much information and I confused for choosing the Baby Foods information what would be the best for everything but now my confusion has cleared by your review. Keep it up………..
Emma says
I always all things buy for my baby from GERBER, and I think GERBER is the best brand,
S. M. Abrar Hossain Asif says
Gerber is one of the topmost brands. Check why so here: https://www.kidwalkers.com/best-baby-cereals-2/
Ken Miller says
Hi Emma,
This article is really informative and I like your view of the GERBER Baby Food. This is really homemade tasting food for babies. My baby love to eat this food. Most of the time I spend on my restaurant so, I cant feed spices food to my child until he grows up to eat species food. Visit my restaurant if you love Indian food.:-https://nilgirispice.co.uk/
Mary Brice says
I swear it’s so much convenient to buy a good brand baby food instead of making one. I know homemade are more pure and fresh but working woman like me cannot manage it.