There is nothing like re-living your childhood. This is just what I got to do. Gym class when I was young consisted of many fun activities and toys. I remember wishing I could bring each one home and to use whenever I wanted. One of these amazing and unique toys was the flying turtle by Mason Corporation. I had some wonderful communication with Jules and soon after received a beautiful teal flying turtle in the mail.
Things got even better when our flying turtle arrived on our first warm day of the year. I couldn’t wait to open it as I tore through the box. The flying turtle was all assembled and ready to go. Note: I realized later that Mason Corporation recommends wearing a helmet while wearing the turtle. I was so excited to just get myself, my husband and my kids on it that I didn’t take time to read that. We will abide by this recommendation in the future!
It is suggested that the flying turtle remain on flat surfaces. It works best in this way since it is powered by muscle and movement. I will just say that trying to go up hill is a major workout…which I might have to participate in sometime in the future. My husband and I had fun seeing how far we could get up our slightly sloped driveway.
The flying turtle has received many awards including parents choice, best toy and best original toy among others. It has been bringing smiles to chidlrens faces for generations, oh and adults under 150 lbs (my husband is close to that…..) Seriously just wait til you get one, your children will be begging you for a turn!
If these smiles don’t say it all I don’t know what will! It was SO MUCH FUN!
Once you sit with your bottom in the middle of the seat you place the center of each foot on the bars. Then you swing the handle bars back and forth in a smooth fluid motion and you are one your way. Its as easy as that! This activity is great for children who have low muscle tone and need some help with strengthening those muscles. Lets be honest we all have stronger leg muscles than arm muscles so why not work on changing that. Especially for children its important for them to get muscle control in their arms so they are able to do other activities and sports that involve upper body strength and to me this is a really fun way to do it.
Did you know that Mason Corporation sells more than just the flying turtle? Much Much more!! They sell water slides, indoor and outdoor playgrounds, shade structures, skates and 3 other types of scooters. Check out their website. They have so much fun stuff there. Do you have a spring or summer birthday coming up? Get a flying turtle, it will provide endless hours of fun and lets be honest, what parent needs more inside toys? We want to get those kids outdoors!! Head on over check it out!
Oh and one more REALLY FUN thing. Jules sent me this link since you know that we here on making of a mom are big frozen fans! We thought we would share this adorable video starring Jules’ daughter Ginna and one of her Flashdance cast members. There are a lot of Frozen covers out there but I think this is one of my favorites and so worth watching. Its nice to have two talented people perform it and have such fabulous videography skills in there too! Enjoy!