Upgrade to ENERGY STAR appliances.
If your current appliances aren’t ENERGY STAR labeled, then consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances. Do your research beforehand. This catalog will help you find appliances with rebates. If you upgrade your refrigerator, don’t forget to participate in the refrigerator recycling program.
When we moved into our home 3 years ago we had to get some new appliances so we made sure they were energy-efficient. Soon we will need to replace our 10 years old washer and dryer so we’ll definitely get those to be energy-efficient as well!
Keep your thermostat set to 68 or cooler in the Winter.
I know that as our bodies transition from warmer temps to cooler ones that 68 will feel cold, but your body will acclimatize and you will be used to it in a couple of weeks. If you are still chilly then plan on wearing some cute sweaters. (Hey, when you are saving money on your energy bills you can splurge on a couple of cute sweaters as a reward!) According to PG&E you use 3- 5% more energy with each degree above 68. Stay efficient with 68!
*As a note: In the summer keep your thermostat set between 75-78. Replace the lights in your bedrooms with ceiling fans to offer a cool breeze when you are in your room.
Adjust your thermostat when you are away.
If you work during the day and no one is home, lower your thermostat to 56. When you head on vacation this holiday season make sure you remember to lower your thermostat. Since you won’t be home to be cold you can save from 5-15% a year on your heating bill by remembering to lower your thermostat.
Use fluorescent light bulbs.

Turn off the water!

When doing the dishes, fill a sink with water to rinse dishes so you don’t have to keep the water running. We have an amazing motion sensitive faucet from Moen that really helps us cut back on water usage.
To get even more money-saving energy tips check out the PG&E site.
Keep track of your savings so you can splurge.
Once you’ve made these few adjustments pay attention to your bill. Let’s say your electric bill is normally $75 but after the adjustments you have made this month your bill is $65. That’s a $10 savings. Now take that $10 and put it in your savings account, piggy bank or where ever you save your money. Since you are used to paying the $75 bill, it should be relatively easy for you to save that $10 since you would normally be spending that anyways.
What if each of your bills (water, electricity, gas, etc) were to decrease with these changes? Keep track of how much you are saving on your bills and save that money!
What are you going to splurge your energy savings on? Vacation? Clothes? I’m always saving for my next vacation so that is where my savings will go.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Happy Hiller says
These are great suggestions! Thank you for sharing your insights!