This post has been sponsored by Walmart.

How do you begin to cut the cable?

Take a “pay for what you watch” approach by getting your entertainment center set up with the devices you need to stream your favorite shows. Depending on what you already have, there are only a couple things you need to add to your home to get set up to watch the shows you want without paying for all the rest.
Five years ago when we moved to Missouri we decided not to return to a contracted TV service. Since that time we have been streaming the shows we want or using an HDTV antenna (step 4, see above). Since you will be streaming all your favorite shows from now on you may need to upgrade your router. We recently did this and it was awesome! We use our Blu-ray player apps like Netflix and VUDU to stream shows and movies.

Cut your cable, upgrade a few electronics and start saving money now. These streaming subscription services are only a fraction of the cost of cable so your savings will add up to a significant amount of money. What show are you excited to stream?