Don't these treat look delicious! Well don't eat them, they are soap! I have never seen, let alone used, such beautiful soaps before! These bubbly confections are courtesy of Scarlet Raine, a big cartel shop. Tiffany, the shop owner of Scarlet Raine, sent me some samples to test and then to offer a giveaway!Like I said earlier, we have never tried such soaps as these. My daughter was very excited to get into the tub and get lathering! She wanted to try the chocolate cupcake, which is really … [Read more...]
The Best of Last Week
Last week I had the chance to work with some amazing bloggers. We got together and chose our favorite posts to be featured in this "Best of " post! Check out the articles from these awesome bloggers. Rebecca from Moms Saving Money has a great tip on how to add fabric softener to homemade laundry detergent. Since I have started making a lot of our household products, I thought this was a great idea and super easy as well! Colleen at My Vegan Gluten-Free … [Read more...]
TruKids Bubbly Baby Body and Hair Wash Review
My kids love bath time! I'm glad it isn't a fight to get them clean, because hey! they need to be clean! This week we have been able to try out TruKids Bubbly baby body and hair wash.TruKids is a company that really cares about the environment. They use all natural ingredients in their products. They use materials that are biodegradable and recyclable whenever possible. They truly want to create a sustainable future for our kids! If you want to find out more about TruKids you can visit them … [Read more...]
Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops Review
This week was a good time to receive some throat drops from Pine Bros. I received two flavors, Natural Honey and Wild Cherry. I got a cold and cough courtesy of my 3 year old, so I was able to test out these throat drops. These drops are designed to help sooth a sore throat. I felt like they did a good job of soothing my throat. I felt like while sucking on them they coated my throat. I really liked the "softish" texture of the drops. Although you may be able to chew them, they recommend sucking … [Read more...]
Breathe, Bend, Be
With the holiday season comes festive music, gift-wrapping and unfortunately, stress. The practice of yoga is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. A common misconception about yoga is that the sole objective is to be extremely flexible and hold difficult poses. While yoga can be utilized as an exercise, the main focus is on breathing and meditation, which helps calm the mind and reenergize the body.Yoga studios are the best way to learn these techniques, and many offer free classes for … [Read more...]
It Works! Ultimate Body Applicator Giveaway
The Ultimate Body Applicator (also known as a skinny wrap) is a non woven cloth that contains a botanically based contouring cream. This cream helps tighten, tone and firm in as little as 45 minutes. It reduces the appearance of cellulite and gives you fast and lasting results. The neat thing is you only wear the wrap for 45 minutes, yet it keeps working for the next 72 hours. It's called the Ultimate Body Applicator because you can apply it anywhere on your body except for your face. It … [Read more...]
Glass Nail Files
I have never heard of glass nail files before. Have you? They are lovely though, much more attractive than using the ugly metal ones. You can find glass nail files, crystal nail files as well as glass foot files and other great products all at According to their website, glass nail files are the best tool for your nails. They make sure the nail isn't getting hurt while filing. Also, these glass nail files won't brake like the cheap replicas you can find at the store. The … [Read more...]
Budget-friendly Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy in School
Aside from getting a handful of 123s and ABCs, your children may also get infected by loads of disease-causing germs in school. How do you protect them? To safeguard your school children against illnesses, here’s some ways that’s easy on the wallet.Let them bring their own drinking water. Taking in a lot of fluids is very important for a school child. Not only does it help the body carry out proper functions such as breathing and digestion, it also keeps the immune system awake and ready to … [Read more...]
Spin Pins- My New Favorite Hair Accessories!!
Okay ladies! I'm super excited about this! Very often I want to just toss my hair up into a ponytail to take the kids to school, or even just to go to church. But my ponytail doesn't always look nice, so I twirl it into a crazy bun and hope it looks like it supposed to be that I alone in this?The other day, I was getting hair stuff at the grocery store and I saw these Goody Spin Pins. I liked the idea, although, at my grocery store, they were almost $6!! My thought was, if they … [Read more...]
Mission WrryFree
About Our SponsorWRRYFree Skin Care is a dream come true for founder William R. Reynolds Young. His passion to be an entrepreneur, like many others in his extensive family, is what had fueled his success and the success of the company. The name WRRYFree is a play on words with two different meanings. The products offered are definitely "worry free" because each and every product is clean, safe, and effective for all ages. The missing "o" in the phrase "worry free" is a pun: WRRY are the … [Read more...]
Tips for Losing Post-Pregnancy Weight
It is hard to beat the incredible feeling that comes with having a baby: the excitement, the wonder, the pure joy of watching them develop and become their own person. Yet for many women, feelings of insecurity about weight gain can often dampen this experience.But the thing is this weight gain is only natural…The average woman puts on 2 stone during their pregnancy, a lot you may argue; however the majority of this weight is down to your womb, your placenta and your growing baby. Once … [Read more...]
Glass Handbag Giveaway
Welcome to the Glass Handbag Giveaway! Oct 11-17, 2012Hosted by Diva Fabulosa Sponsored by Glass Handbag Being a mom, a caretaker, a supporter, a cheerleader to many, you are so busy taking care of everybody else in the world that taking care of your needs and your wishes often times comes last in line. It's time for you to get spoiled!How? – By introducing you to a super cool handbag that has your needs in mind! Once you try a Glass Handbag, you shall never go back to anything … [Read more...]
Chicken of the Sea’s Mermaid is turning 60 this year!
Okay everyone! Chicken of the Sea is having some super fun giveaways!“Instead of a birthday party, the Mermaid wants to reward other exceptional sixty-somethings with the Chicken of the Sea 60s & Sensational Contest, which asks Facebook fans to nominate themselves or someone they know, between the ages of 60 and 69, who fuels their mind, body and spirit with healthy eating, activity and personal fulfillment. Four grand-prize winners will be able to choose from three sensational birthday … [Read more...]
Certain Dri Review and Giveaway
There are several anti-perspirants out there that promise big things but none of them can deliver! (warning: Embarrassing confession about to happen: Ever since I was a teenager I have had over active sweat glands in my armpits. Translation, I sweat like a crazy person under my arms!) As a result of this embarrassing and horrible condition I have sought out and tried every anti-perspirant under the sun! None of them did anything until I found Certain Dri. When I was a teenager I tried the … [Read more...]
Omega3, anyone?
The folks at omax3 approached us to offer for one of our lucky readers their omega3 supplements. This is what they have to say:“Developed by physicians affiliated with Yale University, omax3 Ultra-Pure is tested twice for purity and is free of contaminants, such as unwanted omega-6 fatty acids, mercury, lead or PCBs, that can be found in fish oil supplements. Not to toot our own horn, but “toot toot”, because omax3 Ultra-Pure delivers unsurpassed purity and concentration of omega-3 content … [Read more...]